Cut out the pictures (you can photocopy the same pictures for each animal) and stick them on to circles of card about the size of a paper plate. Put all of the pictures around the garden in different places. Next you play the music and the kids march around in a circle in the middle of the garden like hunters on the prowl. When the music stops you shout out the name of an animal and they have to run and try to find a picture of that animal. The child who doesn’t come back with an animal or brings the wrong one is out. You have to start by shouting the name of the animal you have the most pictures of and make your way down the list. If a child does bring back a picture of the wrong animal you will need to replace it or two people will be out when that animal comes along.
The last child that gets the Lion (the animal there is only one of) is the winner.
Laura Anne Grey is a Party planner from the UK designing and creating children's parties. You can find more birthday resources and articles as well as free printable birthday supplies at http://www.barneys-printable-birthday-cards.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laura_Anne_Grey
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