Sunday 30 March 2008

Wildlife and Sport Hunting

Almost everyone in America seems to profess a love of wildlife in one form or another. However, it is very important to understand that just saying that you love wildlife is not enough to ensure the continuation of the various species.
Instead, an understanding of wildlife management and just what it is, is necessary to creating a healthy wildlife population.
Wildlife management is the science of managing the environment for the benefit of all of the kinds of wildlife in a given area. This management includes the management of human activities because everything that people do will affect the environment in one way or another.
Creation of proper habitat is critical to a healthy wildlife population because, without habitat, wildlife cannot survive and it is just as simple as that. Consequently, the wildlife manager of today is concerned constantly with the state of the habitat in a given area for the benefit of the wild population that the manager is trying to sustain or expand.
Like a carpenter building a house with his tools, so also does a wildlife manager have specific tools to build his wildlife population. Regulated sport hunting is one of the managers most important tools. To many people, this sounds like a contradiction, however, in our capitalist society, everything revolves around the dollar. So too, does wildlife management. It takes a lot of money to develop wildlife habitat.
In every state, a hunter is required to purchase hunting permits and wildlife stamps. It is this money that is used to develop critical habitat for wildlife. Almost always, state taxes are not used for direct wildlife management programs. Rather it is the licensed hunter that is the critical tool for habitat and consequently wildlife development.
Additionally, the licensed sport hunter pays a federal excise tax on the hunting equipment that he/she purchases. This money is then funneled back to the various state game departments for additional habitat development.
It is only because of the monies supplied by licensed hunters that America has any wildlife of note. Today, every state has thousands of acres of wildlife management areas that provide home for hundreds of species of wild birds and mammals. These species consist of both game and nongame wildlife. None of these areas would have been possible without the funding supplied by the hunters dollars.
When people profess a love of wildlife, that is a good thing, however, if one really does have a sincere interest in the wild creatures that share our planet with us, one of the best things that one could do to ensure the survival of wildlife is to simply purchase a hunting permit and wildlife stamp in the state where one lives. If people fail to do this over time, wildlife as we know it today will disappear.
Rick Seward is a veteran game warden for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He has an intense love for the wild creatures that he protects. Rick maintains a website that will showcase many types of engravings that he creates in his of duty time and invites everyone to look at His passion for being a game warden his love of wildlife comes out in every piece that he creates. People may email Rick at the address listed on the website.
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Saturday 29 March 2008

The following is a statement by the World Wildlife Fund on their web site: WWF safeguards hundreds of species around the world, but we focus special attention on our flagship species: giant pandas, tigers, endangered whales and dolphins, rhinos, elephants, marine turtles and great apes. These species not only need special measures and extra protection in order to survive, they also serve as umbrella species: helping them helps numerous other species that live in the same habitats.
The truth of the matter is that the disappearance is wildlife is of great concern. Here is one species that the WWF might add to their special list of flagship species: Homo sapiens. Perhaps we fit under the current umbrella.
We humans fit into the picture as mammals. That is we have mammary glands and give birth to live critters rather than lay eggs. We are also vertebrates having back ache when we get old or we lift too much. We are fragile and disruption of the environment of other animals disrupts our environment. Species now extinct can not be resurrected by man. The endangered species MUST be preserved.
Giant Panda
WWF is trying to save the giant panda because they are so cute. They have been working with China for some time. WWF says there are only about 1600 pandas in the wild. The rest are in the Washington Zoo.
I visited the pandas at the Washington Zoo back when they were first loaned to us by China. I have not seen the current pair loaned to us for 10 years by China, Mei Xiang, now 6, and Tian Tian, 7, who arrived from China in 2000. See
The pandas have had trouble breeding, as reported in the URL above, the males are particularly dumb. Artificial insemination doesn’t work too well either. Read about the rash of panda births last year at The survival rate is not high.
It seems that pandas do better in the wild then in zoos. China has made major advances on how to feed them and breed them. Let’s hope that progress continues. The real solution is to preserve the panda’s habitat. One note: The cute little buggers can be dangerous. They are not all that cuddly. Got pepper spray?
WWF says that tigers are mean but pretty. Not many more than 7500 now exist in the world, mostly in India. They are scarce or extinct in many areas of previous habitat. The encroachment of large populations and loss of habitat are major contributors to their demise. I know from experience in Korea that the fantastic Siberian tiger is not resistant to 30 caliber machinegun fire. They shouldn’t rattle those cans in the bobbed wire.
One thing about tigers is that they fit in nicely in zoos. Unlike the panda that can’t seem to reproduce when fertility experts are watching, the tiger does quite well. A tiger will even mate with a lion creating a tiglion or liger, depending on who is daddy. We had a liger at the Salt Lake City Zoo years back. I think the male was the lion.
WWF is fighting a battle against poachers and traders in “tiger parts.” This is true of other animals endangered by mankind. Read about the WWF efforts at
Whales and Dolphins
We want to keep our whales and dolphins. They are very smart and fun to watch. Their language contains many more bits of information than ours so we can’t understand them when they describe their great voyages of thousands of miles under the sea. We can only guess at what they are saying. Whales sing like birds and better than some people. They sing and sing and sing.
Hunting is still a hazard to whales, especially if they are being shot at by harpoon cannon from a big floating butcher shop. Swimming around in waters infested by fast moving ships is bad enough.
Our ship hit a whale when it was on its way to Korea. We knew because the ship’s crew told us so. It was on the crossing before our crossing. They said it made a big THUMP.
WFF says that fishing nets are a big problem for dolphins. I can’t imagine a Blue whale getting into that kind of fix, but maybe a small whale could. You better read about that at
We need those whales. When the petroleum gives out, what are we going to use for lamp oil? (Just Kidding! Don’t write in. Surmising: If we had not discovered petroleum would there be any whales swimming in our oceans today?)
I’m going to quit here. I can’t think about what has happened and is happening to elephants, rhinos, and the big apes.
Each of us should take an interest in wildlife and its preservation. Cough up a little dough to WWF. It will make a difference to those critters we all love. Just get a signed statement from WWF that they won’t be out there tromping down the flora and scaring the hell out of the fauna.
I’m glad the Ivory Billed Woodpecker is back. I knew he was out there somewhere.
John T. Jones, Ph.D. (, a retired VP of R&D for Lenox China, is author of detective & western novels, nonfiction (business, scientific, engineering, humor), poetry, etc. Former editor of Ceramic Industry Magazine. He is Executive Representative of IWS sellers of Tyler Hicks wealth-success books and kits. He also sells TopFlight flagpoles. He calls himself "Taylor Jones, the hack writer."
More info:
Business web site:
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A cat of huge size and power, Liger is an extraordinary feline. It is an amazing animal that has rarely occurred through history and is a true marvel in appearance. So great is the muscularity and strength of Liger that if it ever existed in the wild, it would have been capable of taking down every animal on earth!
The largest specie of cat to have ever existed - Liger - is not even a specie at all ~ it is a hybrid ~ a cross between a male lion and a female tiger that is given a scientific denotation of Panthera leo × Panthera tigris. The name is derivate of its heritage: 'Li' from lion and 'ger' from tiger. The appearance is indicative of the huge cat's origin ~ a tawny coat is marked by diffuse stripes and rosettes with a rudimentary mane. The attributes are also inherited from either parents and is a mix of the two species ~ Liger likes to swim like tigers and is sociable like lions. The roar is more like that of a lion and so is the frequent laid back nature of the cat, in contrast to the ferocious and active lifestyle of the male tiger.
Hybrids have always existed in the wild and in captivity and numerous attempts at interspecies breeding of big cats have always been made throughout history. The hallmark of the Liger are its massive physical proportions - with a weight over a thousand pounds and length greater than twelve feet, Liger dwarfs the biggest lion and tiger in existence. The reason behind this is believed to be genetic - the male tiger and female lion both have a growth inhibiting gene that restricts the growth of their respective offsprings to an extent - the concept behind Liger bypasses this condition by mating a male lion and a female tiger ~ the resulting cub can grow lifelong to become twice as big as either of its parents.
Withstanding all its magnificence - when I look at a Liger I feel awe and I feel...sorry! Yes it is true (bear me out for a while) ~ I feel sorry because I see a creature that is not meant to be in nature. I see an animal that has never existed in the wild and has never been created by conscientious breeders. An organism that is not a specie in itself since it is unable to produce fertile offsprings (male Ligers are sterile!). An animal that lives most of its life in solitude, created for attracting audience or for Hollywood. A creature marred in its small population by low lifespan, genetic aberrations and neurological defects (head shakes in cubs!).
Experts worldwide condemn the breeding of Ligers as an unhealthy practice. All responsible animal captivity programs and zoos around the globe never try to mate lions with tigers.
To me the Liger depicts the opposite sides of human nature - the side that craves beauty and ignores everything else and the side that honors the laws of morality and nature. The side that searches for lion tiger fight videos on YouTube and the side that condemns them as barbaric practices after having seen them ~ yes to me the Liger is indicative of the fickle nature of our own specie. It is for us to decide which side do we want to take...!
The author is a blogger about cats and an expert on liger.
Learn more about cats here:
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Correspondence Courses in Animal Care

Correspondence courses in animal care allow students to get the best opportunities in animal care, without spending time in traditional college classes. Today a lot of students approach correspondence courses in animal science. Advanced technologies have presented many chances in distance education and these have positive effects in the field of animal care too.
One can attend a correspondence course while attending to other jobs. Here you access classes through the Internet and telecourses. The telecourses come with video taped lectures and lessons and that can be seen on display devices. This enables students to complete their assignments and forward them to an instructor for feedback.
Nowadays, many colleges and universities offer correspondence programs in animal science. These courses are ideal for a career in veterinarian's practice, horse farm, animal hospital, pet store, wildlife or livestock program, ranch and zoo. In some cases, there are no educational or experience prerequisites to enroll for courses. Apart from short term courses, colleges offer three-year correspondence courses in animal science. The curriculum includes workshops on handling and sexing animals, animal restraint, blood sampling and fecal examination for parasites, and other surgical techniques. The courses are conducted on a semester basis, and each year has two semesters. A written exam is included at the end of each semester and a final exam is held after completion of three years of study. The college sends all the study materials and provides assistance from qualified instructors. The practical is carried out in real-world situations. Seminars on animal care are included for researchers. All these courses are approved by government agencies, and certificates are awarded on the successful completion of courses.
Correspondence courses in animal care are open to anyone aged 18 or above. If you are selecting a correspondence course related to the study of small animals, there are a number of mandatory lessons to be followed. Introduction to laboratory animals, animals used in research, management of laboratory animals, life cycle information, principles of animal health, diseases and control of diseases, as well as the handling, behavior, housing and nutrition information of animals are included.
In short, correspondence courses in animal care are good vocational training and ensure a rewarding career in animal service.
Correspondence Courses provides detailed information on Correspondence Courses, Army Correspondence Courses, Bible Correspondence Courses, College Correspondence Courses and more. Correspondence Courses is affiliated with Graduate Distance Learning Programs.
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Friday 28 March 2008

Animal Spirits: Power Animals and Guides

We shamans are a strange breed.....often we tend to isolate ourselves from those around us. However, this does not mean we don't have fact we often have too many to handle at any one time. You see, we are connecting to many levels of reality and inter-relating with all of them at the very same time. So while we are in a group of people....we are also talking to the spirit world and often the animal guides all at once. It's a difficult balancing say the least. Often we must decide which is the most important communication at that point in time. Sometimes the animal spirit guides are giving us very critical data, so we choose to stay focused on that for the moment.
Each animal comes to us with it's unique spirit focus and usually shows up when we need their perspective. They may appear in spirit form, in a dream, vision ...or in the flesh!
While surfing the internet I found a site with helpful information about many animal forms. You can get to this site by clicking on this link.
Jerry is a professional shaman. He publishes an online magazine and newsletter dealing with shamanism and holism as they apply to life and business. You can reach the magazine at this address:

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The Zoo is the Place, and the Animal at the Animal Theme Party is You!

An Animal theme party is always a hit, especially during off-peak seasons, such as the autumn of the year, when the heat is off. The key a successful animal theme party at the zoo is planning. Consult the zoo administrator, ahead of time to determine what is allowed, confirm that the zoo allows parties, and see if a zoo official can act as tour guide, so you can concentrate on keeping your little animals in line. You will definitely need help, so enlist the aid of several parents, and/or your spouse, to help setting up, keeping track of the guests, and cleaning up after the party. Sometimes teenagers are very good at this, and tend to work pretty inexpensively, if you need to bring in hired hands to corral the ‘wildlife’.
Either hire someone (or find a volunteer) to paint animal faces on the guests as they arrive, and be sure parents know when and where to pick up their little ‘animals’ when the party is over. Have sandwiches, chips, fruity drinks and, of course, cake, available. If the zoo allows it, you can set up the coolers with spouts and throw away paper cups (near trash bins) so that there are plenty of ‘watering holes’ available during the tour.
In respect for animals living in the zoo, I don’t recommend noise makers during the party. Party goers can tour the zoo, while you take Polaroid snapshots for ‘animal’ guests to take back to their own ‘lair’ when they leave the zoo.
Identifying pre recorded animal sounds (if your guests are too young to read and write, you can always have animal photos for them to choose which animal made the sound) with the matching the most animals to their sounds, being named King (or Queen) of the jungle. Party ‘animals’ can be given goodie bags filled with party favors, as their parents pick them up to leave. Some good choices would be animal printed pencils, erasers, animal cards or posters, and the snapshots from your animal theme party.
Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Tons of fun Animal Party Supplies, party favors, decorations, pinatas, free games and ideas to help complete your event.
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Animal Welfare Whistleblowers

If you have ever been a witness to any form of animal abuse, cruelty or a violation of the Animal Welfare Act that takes place in any research laboratory, you are faced with several options. The first would be to stay silent. If you do choose this path, then you can be sure that those cruel activities and violations of the Act will carry on unchecked and might even worsen. The second path that is available to you is to speak up and thus blow the whistle on such malpractices.
Historically, animal research has always been carried out behind the secrecy of closed doors. In turn the federal government has been relying on a policy of that entails institutional self-regulation in order to ensure the adherence to animal welfare laws and regulations. It is but obvious that, animals are incapable of speaking for themselves or advocating their cause. As a result, it is only possible through the acts of brave whistleblowers that such animal abuse has been exposed. A whistleblower can in fact bring to an end such atrocities that occur at animal research laboratories.
The actual act of blowing the whistle can occur in a variety of forms. This could range from reporting internally to an act of confidential whistle blowing with advocacy groups. It could even take the form of an extremely public statement regarding the wrongdoings. Various avenues are thus available to you for addressing animal abuse and Act violations in animal research laboratories.
An important one would be to report the abuse to the committee of Institutional Animal Care and Use. This is a body that by law is in existence at every research facility that utilizes animals. This is a committee that bears the responsibility of acting as the eyes and ears of the federal government. It functions to ensure complete compliance with all the animal welfare regulations and laws. If all else fails alerting the media is a good option to consider. Always remember animals need your intervention in such situations.
Whistleblower provides detailed information on Whistleblower, Whistleblower Laws, Whistleblower Protection Acts, Whistleblower Acts and more. Whistleblower is affiliated with Medical Malpractice Attorney.
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Wednesday 26 March 2008

Horse Racing System - Do They Work

Horse racing is the sport of kings and dates back thousands of years. So do horse race betting systems that try to predict which horse will win the race. Betting systems are to numerous to mention them all, it seems that every horse race enthusiast has his or her on horse racing system.
A good horse racing system takes into account lot different criteria. Some of these include analysis of the horses form. Horse racing systems are often based on financial systems such as hedging (that is where one bets on multiple outcomes in a single race) and arbitrage (lay the horse a low price and back it at a high price). Some horse racing systems will even includes things such as; horse name, jockey form, trainer form, and lane draw in their strategy.
Another problem with any given horse racing system, is the variety of different forms of horse races. Horse racing differs from country to country. In North America the most common types of horse racing occurs on flat surface tracks of dirt or grass and generally are raced by thoroughbreds. In England, we can find horse racing includes National Hunt racing and flat racing. With all the different forms of horse racing, there have been many different horse racing systems developed.
Choosing a horse racing system that will work best is highly individual. Each person will have their on requirements and betting habits. So you must look closely at each system you consider, and decide if you will be able to follow its' recommendations. However, finding that system can give you consistent results, and quite probably a large amount of money in the process.
One of the best systems I have come across was developed by a gentleman by the name of Mohammed Ali, he has made a consistent profit using this horse racing system for the past 13 years. What is even more amazing is that the people whom have bought his book are from all around the world, and have also had great success.
To find out more about his proven horse racing system click here
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Read This Article If Animal Abuse Upsets You

Are you upset with animal abuse and cruelty to animals? Are you equally upset with neglect that some people show to their animals? Well you are not alone most people are very upset with such things as the feel for these animals even when their owners do not. In fact most people will go out of the way to do something about it. No, I am not referring to the PETA Organization, which have aligned themselves with Eco-Terrorists; no I am talking about regular folks like you who are so bothered by animal neglect, abuse and cruelty that they will not sleep well at night when they see it.
Are you like millions of Americans who have found a pet at the pound, one, which was lost or brought there because it was abused, ran away or mistreated? Good for you and lucky for your pet to have found you finally; a loving home. Don’t you wish that all people cared for animals this way? There are many no-kill shelters across the nation, which will take mistreated animals and help them find loving homes where they will not be treated cruelly or abused.
The only way we are going to stop animal cruelty and abuse is when everyone says “No More” and we take the losers who are mistreating animals and throw their butts in jail and feed them scraps and see how they like it. Think on this.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
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Hands-On Habitat Observation

A habitat is a place shared by certain species of plants and animals. I'll use any excuse to find a way to study the balance of plants and animals in different natural settings. Take a walk along a woods road after a storm or study your lawn at first light. Some of the best opportunities to observe nature are right under your nose.
You can keep a written journal, take photos or use your webcam to record changes, or simply create a project like this one to enhance your knowledge and observation skills.
Poster board at least 18x24 inches
Photos or pictures of plants and animals for each habitat
GlueTypes of Habitats:
1. Draw a large pyramid on your poster board
2. Choose one of the habitats listed above
3. Cut out or draw pictures of the plants and animals for that habitat
4. Put all the plants at the BASE of the pyramid
5. Put the animals that eat those plants on the NEXT LEVEL of the pyramid
6. Put the animals that eat those plant-eating animals on the NEXT LEVEL of the pyramid
7. Put the animals that eat those animals at the TOP of the pyramid
8. Repeat this activity for a different habitat
The role of the plants:
They produce their own food (look up "photosynthesis")
They provide ground cover and shelter, as well as food
They "breathe in" carbon dioxide and "breathe out" oxygen
Where can you find a healthy example of each kind of habitat?
Where can you find a changing habitat? What is causing the change?
What happened to the plants and animals in the changing habitat? Did new species replace old ones?
JJ Murphy is a freelance writer who helps companies, small businesses and individuals to express their awareness and dedication to developing sustainable technology and to preserve our natural resources. She writes articles for natural magazines, hiking publications, simple living publications in print and online. She also creates curricula to help public schools home schooling groups, private schools, wilderness camps, adult learning groups, and continuing education programs stretch and expand their students’ knowledge.
She holds a Master of Arts degree from the William Allen White School of Journalism at the University of Kansas and a B.A. degree in English and Anthropology from the University of Connecticut. Her client list includes writers, business consultants, motivational speakers, psychologists, financial planners, educators, and politicians.
Visit her website for articles, wild food recipes and for more information, including JJ's favorite places for gear and supplies.
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Tuesday 25 March 2008

Pictures of Zoo Animals

My kids are always wanting more pictures of zoo animals. This past year my wife found this magazine and it is FULL of pictures for kids. ZooBooks will definitely be a favorite for your children (and you) The magazine is also nice because it covers a wide range of ages for children. My 4 year old loves to look at the pictures, while my 10 year old likes to work on her reading skills and learn about the animals.
The great thing about the magazine is that it not only has great pictures of animals but it has a tremendous amount of information on animal habitats. There is so much information in these magazines and the print is designed for kids.
The magazines make it easy to read for young children and will be fun for the whole family. Kids won't be able to wait for the next issue. I know my kids are always checking the mail to see if the new issue came yet! It is such a neat experience to see them get so excited when they see the pictures of the animals and then try to make the same sounds! It has also made it a lot more fun for them to go to the Zoo because they have all the background information about the animals they are seeing.
There are some excellent publications out there for young children, and this is one of them. Take the opportunity to look into this magazine and you won't regret it!
If you would like more information on ZooBooks, please visit my Blog at Please feel free to let me know what you think of the magazine!
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Teaching Kids About Animals Is Fun

Teaching kids about animals can be quite interesting, and if you add trips to the zoo for that purpose, it will be all the more helpful. They can learn there about how animals behave, their eating habits, from where they come from, and the sounds they make. Animals of various types are found in the zoo, and you might be able to show them the varieties of dogs, cats, rabbits, monkeys and lots more. So if you are planning to take your kids to the zoo in order to teach them about animals, try to visit the website and show it to your kids to create interest in the animals. When they will watch those animals live, they will find it very interesting and will be excited to learn more about them.
Before visiting the zoo you can also find out if there are any events being organized in the near future so that you can take along your child to enjoy the activities of the animals in a different way. Take print out's of pictures of animals in the zoo so that you can easily make the kid identify them. Some of the zoos also allow you to feed the animals so you can encourage your child to feed them and enjoy the fun and excitement in it. Let the child explore the zoo on their own by just keeping a watch on them and this will make chikdren take interest in the nature of different animals.
There are animals that can be tamed or can be kept at our homes, as pets. Pets need special care and before keeping pets like dogs, cats, rabbits or any other animal, you should be aware of of how to look after them. You should have a complete knowledge of their daily care, food habits and hygiene, which is very important as they are kept inside the house and children, too play with them. Keeping pets is the best way to teach kids about these animals, but it is not possible to keep so many animals as pets. However with pets children come to know about each and every detail of the behavior and the habits of the pet animals.
Taking kids to the animal show creates an interest in children for animals and they learn about varieties of dogs in a dog show or various other animals in different animal shows. Dogs, cats, rabbits etc are common pets found in many houses of which dogs are the most common. If your friends and relatives have pets you can take your child there and let him spend few days with the pet and know a bit in details about it. When the children play with them and watch them so closely they will learn very fast and with ease. This type of lessons is unforgettable and he will remember them for his lifetime. In this way you can teach them about animals and their habits especially about the dogs, cats, rabbits, monkeys etc.
Victor Epand is an expert consultant about kids toys, stuffed animals, and dolls. You will find the best marketplace for kids toys, stuffed animals, and dolls at these sites for kids toys, stuffed animals, and dolls.
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Animal Care Worker as a Career

For many animal lovers, working with animals is an ideal career. The rewards, however, are set off by hard work.
A partial list of duties include; training, feeding, watering, grooming, bathing, and exercising animals. It may also involved cleaning, disinfecting and repairing the enclosures where the particular animal or animals are kept. It may be necessary to play with the animals, provide companionship and observe changes in their habits and diet.
Working with animals usually consists of two areas, caretakers and trainers.
Some employers in this field include veterinarian clinics, stables, aquariums and zoos.
Here is a closer look at some careers and their requirements.
Kennel attendants care for pets while owners are out of town. This job requires basic care of the pet or pets such as feeding, watering and exercising the animals.
In a Shelter, the basic tasks need to be performed along with keeping records, vaccinations, cleaning cages and dealing with the public.
Stable hands will saddle and bridle horses, groom them, walk a horse after a workout to cool them off, feed and water, exercise and maintain stalls and bedding. They will also clean tack and keep the tack room neat and organized and store supplies and feed. An experienced hand may help to train horses.
Zookeepers prepare food and clean enclosures. They may assist in raising very young animals. Zookeepers watch behavior patterns for signs of illness and keep records of these patterns. Answering questions for the public is also a job requirement.
Most of these professions are trained on the job, however some employers may require some experience with animals. The work is sometimes unpleasant and can be physically and emotionally demanding, sometimes even dangerous. The hours can be irregular and you may work in all kids of weather conditions.
However difficult the work may be, the rewards of working with animals will far outweigh the demands.
Nikola lives and writes in Oklahoma. She is active in local Citizen's Police Academy Alumni, Volunteers in Policing and Skywarn. She enjoys reading, scrapbooking and spending time with her two dogs. This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.Facsimile.Com/ which is a site for Fax Machines.
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Monday 24 March 2008

Categories of Human and Animal Life

Can we determine what separated humans and animals and define classification to better help humans understand their place in the animal kingdom hierarchy? One researcher plans on doing just that in the “What Makes Humans Unique” project. In fact in an online think tank the projects founder and principle investigator indicated that they were moving ahead with the project to answer just that question. It was later stated on the think tank that;
“This returns us to the approach and preparation involved in measuring and categorizing humans in the chain of living things.”
In my observations humans possess nearly all the abilities of the animal kingdom in some form and the only difference would be that. Abstractly I would say that “Humans possess all the upgrades of the previous organic models displayed” taking this analogy from that of the artificial intelligence and robotics, as each new model has more features.
But that only puts humans at the top of the “animal chart” not beyond it. Call them the “ultimate animal” but it is not fair to make them a separate classification nor should their (ego-centric driven passion cloud the issue) sense of entitlement warrant a new category above and beyond all else.
Where do you think that humans category lies? Do you consider yourself an animal? Do you consider yourself an intelligent being? Are you Super Human? What exactly is your place in the animal kingdom? Have you given this much thought? Think on this in 2006.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
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Vegetarian Meatless Cheese - What Are You Talking About?

The process of making cheese is to have it curdled with an enzyme called rennet with occurs in animal stomachs naturally. Vegetarian cheese is made with vegetable rennet, fungi or bacteria. To be able to spot the difference between vegetarian cheese and animal rennet cheese is almost impossible unless its marked vegetarian cheese in the store, so watch your vegetarian foods.
The vegetarians that don't eat cheese with animal rennet do so because they believe it causes animals to suffer when being slaughtered to extract the enzyme. Without the properly labeled product a ethically opposed vegetarian has a very hard time in distinguishing it from cheeses that were curdled with plants.
The vegan will not eat cheese at all because cheese is a byproduct of an animal. Many vegans will eat a product called chreese which is a non-soy, natural cheese replacement. This chreese is just one replacement of many. Just go to your local health food store or a organic store and there will be other vegetarian food products to choose from.
If you have being eating cheese and you are a vegetarian you may wish to change your dietary habits. Cheese made with animal rennet may have caused some animal suffering. So you have like three choices, buy cheese alternatives at a health/organic store, purchase vegetarian cheese online and/or look for the label on the cheese that says vegetarian cheese or vegetarian recipe cheese.
James Johnson is an accomplished Webmaster and publisher of where he provides additional information on vegetarian food, meals and types of vegetarains. Also info on how to become a vegetarin. For more advice, tips and hard to find information on Vegetarian Diet
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How to Draw Animals

Animal drawing is by far one of the most popular forms of art. Animals have a special place in our hearts and many people love to draw them.
Each animal is unique and each animal drawing has to be approached differently. They can be drawn as cartoons or as realistic looking animals. Animals can also be drawn as a simple expressive line or detailed with hairlines and swirls.
Observe then Draw!
One of the best ways of learning to draw animals is to observe them. Observe them in nature, look at photos and look at books. There are numerous styles that animals can be drawn in and you can find your niche by looking at a variety of different materials. By looking at animals in their various forms, you are then able to see them as their basic shapes. One of the best ways to get down to an animal’s basic shapes is to photocopy a picture and then begin drawing out the basic shapes that you see. Notice how the outer lines of the animal’s body bring all of those shapes together to form the animal.
Start Basic!
Animals are best drawn when you start basic and build upon the basic outline with layers. Slowly add in your shading and your details as you build upon your animal drawing.
Now the Details!
To learn what details you need to add to your drawing or to understand the different muscling of animals, you may find that an anatomy book can do wonders for you in your understanding of the animal that is your subject. For example, a racehorse will have ripples of muscle in the shoulders and hindquarters. You may even be able to see a glint of their ribs. The same is true for a cheetah that is running across the African plains. To add to the realism of your animal drawing, add in the animals natural habitat around it and make it look at home in its surroundings.
Get Started on your Favorite Animal!
Karen MacLean is a consultant and writer for online and offline businesses. Karen resides in the province of New Brunswick, Canada.
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Sunday 23 March 2008

Many Animals Can Detect Earthquakes in Advance

Many animals can predict Earthquakes in Advance, but how are they doing this? They obviously have senses, which help them know when the Earthquakes are imminent. We know that Elephants, Farm Animals, Domestic Pets, Birds and even snakes can predict Earthquakes. This rather intriguing question recently came up in an online think tank and member stated in a question;
“All of these animals have different abilities in regards to their senses, a birds sense of smell is very different to that of a snake for example. There must be multiple warning signs that we don't pick up.”
Indeed this is interesting and it would appear that there is some vibrational energies and frequencies which are picked up by the animals prior to earthquakes and being closer to nature they probably can feel something has changed that humans in the hustle and bustle high paced world of modern civilization simply fails to notice.
Some animals react days before a quake and some just before it happens while humans seem to be oblivious until the ground actually starts shaking, but why? And how do all these different types of animals do this anyway? And why can't people do it anymore? Perhaps we need to think on this in 2006.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
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Humans are Animals Too!

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Humans exhibit behavior, which is similar to animals. Pets and wild animals often exhibit similar behavior to humans. So are humans really animals? Do humans belong in the animal kingdom and not separated out as something so special that they deserve a separate classification?
Recently an online think tank brought up this subject and a think tanker stated: “While it would seem plausible to establish an absolute difference between humans and animals based on individual characteristics, the distinctions cannot provide a single reliable determination since the target is a composition of characteristics or elements which compose this condition.”
One would agree of course from a scientific method of proof, yet the observation is so strong that humans are animals, that it would seem a moot point says another think tanker. But the discussion rages on in that the think tanker further stated; “For example: An animal demonstrates loss or distress under the event of environmental change, therefore the animal in question possesses a likeness to humans and our emotional design.”
Indeed however my premise and conclusion of my observations from my perspective is that “Empathy” does not set humans apart. Humans have similar traits to animals in that regard. Yet, the unconvinced think tanker states that “the animal in question possesses a likeness to humans and our emotional design.”
Good point indeed, but that is not my contention. My contention is that humans are animals and therefore possess emotional evolutionary similarities to all animals or mammals of higher order. What do you think of this subject? Is it worthy of discussion? Consider this in 2006.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
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Barn Animals

Barn animals include all domesticated farm animals such as cows and horses, which are sheltered in a barn. Barn animals are mainly raised for providing milk and food products. Some animals like horses and mules are used to help with farm work.
Barn horses are also used for a wide variety of sport and entertainment activities such as riding and racing. Cows are raised for milk and meat. Other barn animals include goats, sheep, pigs, chicken, and rabbits. There are some barns that accommodate animals such as elephants, giraffes, and monkeys. These barn animals are raised by some as a hobby and for entertaining others.
For raising animals, the barn should meet basic requirements such as good ventilation and a good feeding system, solid floor, high side walls, kick-proof walls and doors, adequate water availability and good plumbing. One of the important features that animal barns must have is efficient waste disposal. These barns should have space and privacy for each animal. The size of the barn should cater to the number and nature of the animals contained therein.
Animal barns should have measures to safeguard barn animals from fire, earthquake, winds, flood and other natural disasters. Barn animals are to be protected from excessive heat and cold. They must be brought out to open fields frequently. This could enhance the health of these animals. Barn animals should be bathed in water at least once in a week.
Food, tools and other basic animal requirements are also stored inside the barn. It is desirable to store combustible items such as hay and straw away from animal barns.
There are many professional animal barns, which are specially meant for raising barn animals. They are larger and need much more working capital than normal barns. They will have effective solid waste and wastewater treatment.
Barns provides detailed information on Barns, Pole Barns, Barns for Sale, Storage Barns and more. Barns is affiliated with Steel Garages.
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Saturday 22 March 2008

The Advantages for Children Involved in Raising Farm Animals

Children can learn a great many lessons and develop positive personality traits by working with farm animals. Working with animals will teach children responsibility and promote good character and integrity. A farm is a wonderful environment in which children can play, work, and learn about animals and the important place they hold in our lives. Research has shown that children who have been exposed to farm animals from a young age tend to better listeners, do well in school, and develop integrity and compassion above their age level.
An adult should supervise children working with farm animals at all times. Feeding and caring for the animals is a great experience for children but there are dangers involved, so make certain your child is in the presence of an adult. Children should only engage in age-appropriate activities in regard to the farm animals and precautions should be taken to ensure the safety of both the children and the animals. You child will love working with farm animals and the learning experiences are invaluable. Life on a farm is hard work. Make sure your child only performs the tasks that he or she is capable of and take care in allowing your children around farm equipment.
Animals have a way of bringing out the best in us and children are no exception. Introducing your children to farm animals at an early age will result in a greater understanding of responsibility and compassion. It has been shown that children who work regularly with animals perform well in school and get along with other children very well. Teach your child about farm life and farm animals. Your child will be better off for having the experience and you will be pleased with the resulting character traits that your child will no doubt develop.
Tiffany Washko is president of Jelly Bean Diapers - a cloth diaper manufacturing company, The Diaper Jungle, and Nature Moms,
After working several years in corporate healthcare marketing and public relations, she took time away to be a mother. This new pursuit lead her to a new passion, helping new moms make the decision to return to the basics and use cloth diapers and adopt a more natural lifestyle.
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Giant Stuffed Animals

Giant stuffed animals rule the roost in the toy world. They are very big toy animals and are perfect gifts for any occasion, including anniversaries, holidays, weddings, birthdays, and graduations. Giant stuffed animals are especially pleasing to the eye, very soft to touch, and capable of bringing a smile to children and adults alike. Most giant stuffed animals are life-sized, while some are several times larger than life.
A giant stuffed animal appeals to people for a variety of reasons. They are ideal for all occasions and for all ages. They can make any child, animal lover, or adult happy. Life-sized stuffed animals are great friends for children. Giant stuffed animals are eye catching and can be used as a decorative item in homes and business houses alike. A wide range of giant stuffed animals including dinosaurs, giraffes, dogs, elephants, kangaroos, sharks, lions, penguins, deer, horses, reindeer, dragons, and other jungle animals are available on the market. Most of them are cuddly, soft, and have beautiful features and realistic expressions. These impressive animal friends are perfect for play and display.
In the past, giant stuffed animals were objects made of the skins and fur of real animals. Over the years, straw, beans, rice, cotton, and other organic materials have been used in the making of giant stuffed animals. Today, giant stuffed animals are manufactured using synthetic materials such as rubber and polythene.
Owing to of their large size, most giant stuffed animals are expensive. Prices vary with shape, size, color, durability, design, and materials used. One can get giant stuffed animals customized with special clothes, names, logos, and even the photo image of the face of a child or pet. Gift shops and online shops are the best places to look for giant stuffed animals.
Stuffed Animals provides detailed information on Stuffed Animals, Plush Stuffed Animals, Giant Stuffed Animals, Wholesale Stuffed Animals and more. Stuffed Animals is affiliated with Roman Seraphim Angels.
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Plush Stuffed Animals

Plush stuffed animals are very popular among stuffed toys. These soft, furry toys make great gifts for young girls and boys, teens, and adults alike. Plush stuffed animals are made using plush materials such as cloth of silk or cotton. These are perfect gifts for a child in all gift occasions. It can make any animal lover happy and is a great friend for children. Most stuffed are safe toys, where a child is in no danger of hurting himself or herself. They are soft and children tend to bond with their favorite plush animals.
A plush stuffed animal is a unique fun alternative to flowers and traditional dolls as a gift. Due to its cheering effect and stable nature, it can provide children and adult many years of joy and happiness. Giving a gift of a plush stuffed animal is one of the world's most popular expressions of friendship and love. A wide range of plush stuffed animals including bears, wild animals, cats, aquatic animals, dogs, winged animals, primates, marsupials, puppets, reptiles, and farm animals are available.
Simple plush stuffed animals make great gifts for young children who want company during the night. Also, these make a perfect addition to any home's conventional holiday decorations. Plush stuffed animals are also sometimes viewed as art and craft objects. They come in a variety of shapes, designs, sizes, and colors. Musical plush stuffed animals are also available on the market.
Most stuffed animals come from the manufacturer with cleaning instructions. A good plush stuffed animal is non-allergenic, non-toxic, machine washable, and safe for even the youngest child.
Stuffed Animals provides detailed information on Stuffed Animals, Plush Stuffed Animals, Giant Stuffed Animals, Wholesale Stuffed Animals and more. Stuffed Animals is affiliated with Roman Seraphim Angels.
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Friday 21 March 2008

Animal Party Games for the Kids

Animal party games can get a little out of hand if you are having the party inside, so make sure to move outside when taking part in these two suggested games!
‘Nose Ball’ is a fun race that all the kids will really get into. Everyone in the race pretends to be an animal of their choice and the must push a ping pong ball to the finish line with their nose. Why? Because as animal they can’t use their hands!
You’ll need enough ping pong balls for everyone in the animal party race to have one and you’ll need to set up a start line and a finish line with masking tape, string or a chalk line. The guests may have a little trouble keeping in a straight line with Nose Ball so you’ll want to space everyone fairly far apart. Don’t forget to take lots of pictures with the camera.
‘Farmyard Frolic’ is a game that can give the adults at the animal party a chance to rest. Have the party divide into groups of three or four. Each group must pick their own animal to pretend to be and the adult in the group gets to be the team leader. Before the party started you should have hidden a variety of special objects around the house and made a list of them. Make copies of this list so you can give one to each group.
Next have the team leaders sit in the animal party area while the groups of animals go off on their search. When an ‘animal’ has found one of the objects they must make the sound that their chosen animal makes, for example, if the chosen animal is a cow then the team player must moo. They do this until their team leader gets up and goes to retrieve the object from the player. The player cannot bring the object to the team leader; the team leader must go to the player, get the object and return to the couch. At the end of the hunt the team with the most objects wins. Hint: if you make the objects toys, games or candy then everyone wins at the animal party.
Mrs. Party... Gail Leino takes a common sense approach to planning and organizing events, celebrations and holiday parties with unique ideas for Animal party supplies and fun free educational party games. She explains proper etiquette and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Shop has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free holiday printable games and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Party Themes to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties is at the Party Theme Shop. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.
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Tips for Photographing Animals

You can't pose undomesticated animals per say, but you can capture the moment―even if it looks like you posed them. Much of the same principles apply towards photographing animals as it does towards humans. Keep these basic principles in mind as you photograph animals:
1) Eye contact is important, but not always necessary. In some instances, a pose with eye contact from an animal works. In my opinion, this type of pose is equivalent to a traditional, formal portraiture. When the pose works, the body position is natural and shows the full-body.
2) The surrounding setting is important too. If there are a couple of background textures and tones which complement the animal and setting, this would be perfect! In this way, the animal and setting (the background) contain visual unity.
3) The camera's flash fills in shadows and enhances the appearance of humans, as well as animals. Take a fill flash photograph and look for the shadows on and around the animal's body. Now, take another photograph without the flash. Without the flash, part of the animal’s face is darkened and the shadows are not as pleasing to the eye. The shadows tell us about the form and shape of an object. Normally though, shadows can add beauty to forms.
4) Viewpoint perspectives can make or break a photograph. Sometimes, shooting down on an animal works and other times not. Photographers have to make needed adjustments for each situation. While maintaining eye contact with an animal, just as with people, the animal should not be straining his or her neck to look at you (or the camera). Make sure the pose of the animal is not disturbing to look at. The animal should look true to form and natural.
Basically, make sure the animal looks content and relaxed. Watch your background too. Sometimes, all you have to do is move to the side a few steps to get that memorable shot! (revised 2/15/2006)
Debbie Jensen, Graphic Designer and Photographer
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Wednesday 19 March 2008

Read This Article If You Are Very Much Against Cruelty To Animals

Are you completely enraged at the cruelty to animals, which goes on around the world? Are you equally appalled that in the United States, a country of plenty and abundance that animals could be neglected and mistreated, even beaten and injured thru human abuse to these pets? Do you ever wonder what kind of a person would abuse an animal or why anyone would ever do that? Why on Earth would anyone be cruel to an animal?
If you see a friend mistreat their pet, don’t you begin to think less of them as a person, even want to disavow their friendship completely, sometimes right then and there on the spot? “You jerk, why did you kick your dog; how would you like it if someone kicked you?” Well the fact is someone probably did once or many times, perhaps this moron was abused as a child growing up too? But even so does that give them a right to be cruel to animals? Certainly not, there is no excuse, none what so ever. They do not deserve a pet and no pet deserves to be treated like that.
We must stop cruelty to animals and animal abuse. Unfortunately the group PETA is completely out of control and gone off the deep end. We need to all work together to stop people who are losers from mistreating animals, which mean us no harm. Think on this.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
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Ugly Ass Dog

My girl thinks this dog is cute. She wants to save it from a shelter. Ooof. That is the ugliest dog ever.
I've never seen a dog with herpes before, but... Look, I feel bad for the little mutt. Poor guy is the Willie McGee of puppies.
My girl has such a huge heart. She loves animals. (Well, she loves all animals except rodents, and insects, and animals that smell bad... and she hates birds. But besides that, she loves animals.)
Me? Animals are what I call "uncooked food."
No, I love dogs. Dogs give so much love and all they want from you are treats, a good belly rub and for you to pick up their poop at 2 am.
Okay, in one of the pictures, the dog KIND OF, MAYBE looks cute:
But in another picture, we are reminded that this is Satan's dog.
How can I walk around with this ugly-ass dog?
Am I superficial because I care about a dog's looks? Well, whatever. Looking at this dog is going to give me nightmares.
Then my girl is going to want to let this Satanic dog sleep in the bed with us. And I have to worry that it's going to eat my flesh and swallow my soul?
No. Can't do it. Let's get a plant. Plants are cute.
Discover more Twisted Humor
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Tuesday 18 March 2008

Want To Work With Animals?

A career with animals may involve working for an animal charity, veterinary practice, wildlife organisation, zoo or private business – eg, cattery, pet shop, pet photographer, dog walker or groomer. The work can be directly with animals, in a hands on role - e.g. veterinary, dog warden, animal care assistant, field officer, behaviourist, ambulance driver and handlers, or it may involve working with animals in a more remote way.
Working in animal related management, campaigns, fundraising, administrative or personnel positions can be just as rewarding as working directly with animals. Raising awareness of animal suffering, raising funds to assist other more hands on organisations and campaigning for better legislation for the protection of animals is all crucial to the task of helping animals.
Animal welfare charities are probably the busiest and most challenging organisations that one could work for. The lack of legislation to control the breeding and selling of all types of companion animals, has led to a huge increase in the numbers of unwanted animals. Many animal related careers are not for the faint hearted, and may involve contact with factory farming, inhumane slaughtering in the meat trade, hunting, the exotic pet trade, dog fighting and animal abuse. However, for those who care about animals and truly want to make a difference, working in the animal welfare sector can be an immensely rewarding career.
There are hundreds of different courses and qualifications in animal care, including online courses, part time and full time courses. Training options include certificate, diploma and courses including: veterinary, animal care, behaviour and management, equine studies, feline studies, wildlife and animal charity related courses.
Commitment, reliability and a genuine concern for the welfare of animals can be more important attributes than formal qualifications. A mature person looking for a career working with animals, may not necessarily have animal welfare experience, however, good work experience, life skills and being able to demonstrate a genuine interest in animal welfare, will give applicants a good chance of being employed within the animal care sector. Interest, aptitude and commitment can sometimes be more important than initial entry qualifications. Many animal welfare organisations recruit good volunteers when jobs arise. Volunteering with animals will improve employment prospects considerably as valuable, practical animal care work experience can be gained.
A dream job working with animals could be just one click away through a new site called Animal Jobs Direct. Having spent many years working in the animal care industry, the site’s founders identified the over whelming need for a one-stop, animal related resource for job seekers and employers. The site is unique and invaluable to those wanting a career with animals, animal care professionals seeking a new job, and employers looking to fill animal care vacancies. Comprehensive career, training and worldwide animal related jobs can all be found at
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Sneak a Peak at Cute Animal Pics

Are you an animal owner or simply just love animals? Do the images of cute furry baby animals playing brighten up your day more than anything? Well, even if these do not have some cute animals of your own that you can watch at play, there is still a way to be close to cute looking animals. Simply log on to the worldwide internet and start a search for cute animal photos; you will be amazed at the number of animal lovers that have gathered in this virtual world to profess their love for their speechless friends.
Whenever you need to visit your animal friends just start an internet search for cute animal photos and enjoy. You will find hundreds of web sites created by animal lovers like yourself, where all animal lovers can meet and discuss their pets, share funny or simply lovely photos, sometimes even short films. You will find pictures of cute animals taking a nap, baby animals playing, pictures of cats nursing dogs or pictures of dogs protecting cats, pictures of funny piglets or fluffy baby ducklings, furry pet hamsters or funny playful parrots. This and hundreds more are at the tip of your fingers with just a simple search for cute animal photos.
You can also become a member of such an animal lover's virtual family and discuss pets with other pet owners, share animal photos of your own if you have any or just have your own sweet and funny animal haven to come home to. Aside from the option of becoming the member of such an internet family you also have the option of creating an internet animal lover's group of your own. You can invite your friends to join you on your virtual space and share beautiful animal photos and funny short films with them, invite animal lovers from all around the world to share their photos and short films with you and many more.
You can write a welcoming message so that all those visiting would know that is a place for animal lovers, you can add a message board where your friends can let everyone know if there is an animal in need of adoption or you can upload cute animal photos and share them. Whenever you need some cute animal photos to brighten up your day all you have to do is log on to the worldwide internet and pay a visit to your sweet speechless friends.
Visit the author's website to learn more about:Cute puppy and kitten photosPicture of a cute puppyAdorable Kitty pictures
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Monday 17 March 2008

Should You Grieve When Your Pet Dies?

When a beloved pet dies the emotions that come out can be overwhelming; grief, loss, emptiness, guilt (if you have made the choice of euthanasia) and depression are just some that can arise. For non pet lovers it is hard to comprehend why we should feel so much for 'just an animal' and many cannot understand why there are the same, and sometimes stronger, emotions arising as when a relative dies. The truth is that these animals are family to us, often as beloved as children, and that the grief we feel when our 'babies' pass on can be as real to us as that of a family member.
I suffered from all the emotions recently when I awoke to find one of my cats had died in her sleep. Guilt - had she been ill and I hadn't noticed, loss - she had been my companion for over fourteen years and helped me through much, emptiness - her loss has left a big hole in my life, and grief for her passing. Yet my initial reaction was to hide my feelings, firstly from my two young children who wouldn't understand, and secondly because of others vision of 'it's just a cat'. And then I realised that, whilst not breaking down in front of my children was sensible, denying myself a grieving process because of what others think is just plain stupid. Restricting your emotions is damaging to your well being - grieving is natural and healthy and should be accepted no matter who we are grieving over.
Here are a few more myths to dispel:
It is best to grieve alone. Actually grief is best shared and easier to overcome if others show sympathy and understanding.
The loss of a pet is not as important as the loss of a human. Not true. I have a wonderful family but the loss of one of my cats still hits me hard. They are also my family, and for many are the same as babies.
If you euthanise your pet you are selfish. By letting you pet die with dignity and releasing them from pain is a gift that we can give a loved one. If you want to prolong your animal to a few more months of pain, that would be selfish.
Pets don't mourn the loss of other pets. Tell that to my other cat! He is still looking for his companion, as he has when one has gone before.
The best way to deal with grief is to keep busy. Grief does not go away if you push it to one side. It will return, with greater force.
Getting another pet as soon as possible will stop you feeling grief. Not so. Another animal cannot replace the one that has died and if you rush into getting another before you have had time to say goodbye to the first you may not be emotionally ready to accept it.
Suffering loss is painful, no matter who you have lost. Grief is part of the healing process, but often you will need help to come to terms with your pain and loss. Seeking help does not mean that you are weak, it shows that you are strong enough to accept that you can feel the loss of another, and are strong enough ask for help.
The people that understand best how deep emotions can run over the death of a beloved pet are other pet lovers. Psychologists know the in's and out's of emotions but cannot understand why pets mean so much to us. I feel strongly about loss of pets and have written some articles on my hub at
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