Saturday 10 May 2008

How To Prepare For The Exciting Sport Of Shark Fishing

If you are actually trying to catch a shark then you should do so with forethought and preparation. The best time to catch a shark is really all year round, people will always say oh man the best time to catch a shark is in June but I think that is dead wrong. You can catch the biggest shark you have ever seen in the middle of winter. People who say that you can only catch them in one month are ignorant and uniformed. Just last week I caught a big bull shark and it's almost Christmas time. You can catch a shark at any time of the year as long as you have some bloody fish bait.

When you are going shark fishing you are going to need many things. The first thing you are going to need is a few shark rods and reels. You will want to have something so that they cannot spool all your line out then rip the rod out of your hand. You will want to have a big rod and reel like a boat rod. You will also need some sort of mode to get your bait out in the water casting it will not work since you are going to have about a 10 foot steel cable leader. You will want a kayak or small boat to run your baits out. I think the best rod to use is a big boat rod so that you ca catch anything, when you are shark fishing you can catch other things besides sharks, other fish eat the same stuff that a shark will.

You will also need to know which type of shark it is you want to catch. You can catch mostly all types of sharks inshore, such as bull sharks, tiger sharks, black tip sharks, and lemon sharks. Basically if you live on the North American continent you will be able to catch a wide variety of sharks. A lot of people think that you cannot catch certain sharks all over the world but they are wrong you can catch just about every kind of shark in the Atlantic Ocean.

After you have your bait in the water all you do is wait for the run. Once you have that bait in the water and on the bottom you will just have to wait until something takes the bait. You will know when something takes your bait it will pick it up and run with it. You will want to let the shark or fish it all the bait so give it team then you will want to set the hook. After the hook is set you will want to just let the fish run and do its thing until it is tired then you can either reel them in or it will be a fight to last for hours. I have friends that have fought sharks for hours and haven't even caught them that are how big and gnarly they were. What are you waiting for, get out there and experience them for yourself.

Gregg Hall is an author living with his 18 year old son in Jensen Beach, Florida. Find more about shark fishing as well as saltwater fishing gear at

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