Thursday 5 June 2008

The Way of the Wild Heart: A Map for the Masculine Journey

Product Description
I can fix it. I don't need directions. I can figure this out on my own. These thoughts that erupt from a man's bravado, from his deep urge to be a real man. Yet underneath this, there is a louder voice countering, You can't. You're not capable. You're weak. Many men-possibly all men-face two looming questions at some point in their life. What does it mean to be a man, and am I one?
The Way of the Wild Heart reaches out to "unfinished men" trying to understand and live their role as men and fathers. Exploring six biblically based stages, John Eldredge initiates men into a new understanding and ownership of their manhood and equips them to effectively lead their sons to manhood.

Customer Reviews
Good Book On the Phases of a Man's Life "The Way of the Wild Heart" by John Aldredge describes the various phases that a boy goes through as he grows up to be a man. Aldredge describes the 6 main phases and suggests how to raise a boy or man during those phases. The phases are as follows: 1. Boyhood - boy develops his sense of identity. 2. Cowboy - boy/young man develops his sense of adventure. 3. Warrior - man develops a fighting spirit (fights for the right things while not becoming a brute). 4. Lover - man learns to love others other than himself. 5. King - man learns to use his power wisely and for the benefit of others. 6. Sage - man passes along his acquired wisdom to others. As in his other titles Aldredge uses contemporary examples to make his points. While the examples were good, I would have liked to have seen more biblical examples. Still, a good read. Recommended.
A remarkable book with deep spiritual truths for all who will listen John Eldredge is a man of real courage. Who else would be brave enough to write about the core issues that most, if not all, men face; issues that are the source of our greatest pain, issues that result in unconscious actions and thoughtless words, issues that when unresolved, make us less than the men God intended us to be? Unfortunately, for every one man with the courage and insight of John Eldredge, there are hundreds of uninitiated men who will levy their intellectual attacks at him, whether in the guise of pseudo-literary criticism (usually from those who have never written anything more than a book review) or wrapped in the protective blanket of self-righteousness (usually from those without the courage to walk the spiritual path that Eldredge has dedicated his life to helping other men find). It's a sad commentary on masculinity. This book is the real deal. In it, John Eldredge speaks to the issues most men are afraid to discuss. Without the ability to face these issues, even good men can turn to surface satisfactions and distractions such as compulsive work, obsessions, addictions, and self-destruction. Thanks to John Eldredge, any man who feels this inner longing for something more, something deeper, more spiritual, more masculine, can use his book to find their way whether they have a father to help them or not. Does he make reference to movies, myth, and images to bring life and clarity to his points? Yes, and the result is a collection of powerful stories that each contain great truths. Eldredge is teaching in the way that all great teachers have taught: by seeking to reach his listeners rather than pleasing the self-righteous pedants who will stand on the sidelines of life and throw their verbal darts at the few men like Eldredge that are actually on the field, muddy, bruised, and exhausted attempting to lead others to the path of hope, spirit, and life. I loved this book, as I loved Wild at Heart. I'm a better man for having read it, a better husband to my wife, a better father to my children, a better Papa to my grandchildren, and I pray, a better servant of my Creator. Thank God for John Eldredge. Thank God he had the courage to write this important book. Buy a copy for yourself, for your son, and one for all the young men you know who are attempting to find their way to God and to the heart of what it means to be a righteous man in the world. Jim Huling author of Choose Your Life!: A Powerful, Proven Method for Creating the Life You Want
Life Changing! This book actually change my life. It is a must-read for men, women, and especially parents of boys! The Way of the Wild Heart has helped me become a better wife, which has helped to turn around a marriage in need of help. It helped my understanding of how men function, and opened my eyes to the stages that guys go through, throughout their lives. It's true that men and women are not the same and this is a great book to help understand the male side of things- and can help to acknowledge stages that were missed- which can explain various issues that men may be facing. If I had a million dollars, I'd buy this book for every person I know! The author uses scripture and examples from the bible and backs up what he's saying. Amazing work!

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