Monday 28 April 2008

Popular Rabbit Names

We get a lot of email asking for help in choosing a name for newly adopted rabbit pets. Well, as part of our research we looked into the most popular bunny names, so we thought we'd share them with you.

Here are rabbit names from our collection in random order:

* Bailey
* Bugs
* Thumper
* Puddles
* Midnight
* Riley
* Stormie
* Pippin
* Noel
* Piper
* Holbrook
* Willow
* Cocoa
* Maybelline
* Oreo
* Dezzi
* Pepper
* Cherub
* Romeo
* Hershey
* Hayley
* Velvet
* Tinkerbell
* Juniper
* Dutch
* Tuxedo
* Patches
* Sadie
* Tyler
* Duchess
* Harvey
* Pumpkin
* Angel
* Binky
* Hopkins
* Snowball
* Peanut
* Dakota
* Dash
* Hopper
* Nutmeg
* Smokey

Not Enough? :-) Ok, more names for your rabbit pet:

* Chance
* Satine
* Shadow
* Snuggles
* Thumbelina
* Flopsy
* Marshmallow
* Gatsby
* Jade
* Frodo
* Arial
* Rex
* Mittens
* Zuzu
* Halo
* Onyx
* Sabrina
* Belle
* Noir
* Q-Tip
* Nibbles
* Daisy
* Merry
* Tricycle
* Oscar
* Zoey
* Pepper
* Sundance
* Hopson
* Ripley
* Trance
* Sweetpea
* Charmin
* Noah
* Bunster
* Silver
* Bumper
* Rascal

Do you know other popular rabbit names? Let us know and we will add them to this list!

Names From Our Readers

* Jazmin (name for girl bunny-rabbit)
* Princess
* Rox
* Ebbie (stands for the initials E.B., short cut for Easter Bunny)
* Emma
* Sophie
* Einstein (name for smart male rabbit
* Muffin
* Mopsy
* Honey
* Dopey (cute name for small cute pet)
* Charlie
* Smores
* Ollie
* Willow Jett
* Fern
* Snickerz
* Gadget (probably the name for rabbit who love to play with toys)
* Dandelion (great name!)
* Thumper
* Zypp
* White Chocolate (in case the rabbit is brown and white)
* Tinker
* Sunny
* Buttons (when you'll see baby bunny's eyes you'll understand this)
* Hocus Pocus
* Houdini
* Treacle
* Bunny-Bunny (fun name when said in a very high pitch)
* Milly
* Amber
* Max
* Jessee (for a girl or a boy rabbit)
* Lola

You also can send us feedback note about our rabbit names collection. We will be happy to hear your opinion about it.

Rabbit Care Secrets You can get the book here: is the book with literally hundreds of "word of mouth" tips and tricks - secrets which are next to impossible to find in books and pet stores. This is the gold which only comes from years and years of hands on experience... including all the hard to find Rabbit information people just can't locate with internet searches or trips to the library!

Article Source:,_Ph.D.

Chinese Astrology Forecast for Rabbit of 2008

The Rabbit is more comfortable with the Pig, which symbolizes endings, rather than the Rat, which is associated with new beginnings. In 2008, the rabbit enjoys good luck in general especially in love area, however, health and wealth area aren't very good.

Rabbit Career

You'll meet a strong lucky star in the Rat year who's gonna to give you a hand while you are in trouble. You may make significant progress in career this year. Your ideas will be rewarded by your superior or boss that you are likely to get promoted. But, there are also several unlucky stars around you, your development won't be smooth. There might be small accident while you are close to success. But all the problems can be solved. Otherwise, as you are too shining in career, someone should be jealous of you, and you'll have arguing. Although you make more money this year, take care when shopping and spending, as the temptation for something new could come back to bite you down the road. It is not a wonderful year for speculative investment so stick with what you know best.

Rabbit Romance

The rabbit is gentle and talented in art, caring about friends, making people feel comfortable, so you are very popular. The single Rabbit should expect to abundance of opportunities in the year of Rat. Married rabbits will find so much fun in family life.

Rabbit Health

The health area of the rabbit is not so favorable in 2008. Under the influence of an unlucky star, you are vulnerable to get hurt in an accident this year. Otherwise, you are always in a negative mood as the lack of sleep. So take care of yourself.

Suggestions for Rabbit

Have enough sleep. Be cautious while crossing the road and driving. Focus on your career and love life.

Pictures of Rabbit Breeds Are Easy To Find

If you are a rabbit enthusiast, finding pictures of rabbit breeds can be a fun and exciting hobby, especially if you have a fast Internet connection and are versatile in using the various search engines and their image options. People are no longer limited to rabbit journals or having fellow bunny rabbit enthusiasts send them pictures via snail mail. The Internet has opened up the lightning fast ability of people all around the world to locate their favorite pictures of rabbit breeds.

One of the easiest ways to find new pictures of rabbits is too locate various rabbitry web sites that offer pictures of rabbit breeds that they own. Whether or not you are searching for Holland lop rabbits or Netherland dwarfs, finding recent and current pictures of young and old rabbits is now accessible with a few clicks of the mouse.

Often people searching for images of rabbits will become disoriented due to the sheer volume of other web sites that have similar words on their web pages but are not relevant to the actual search. One of the easiest ways to locate a particular breed of rabbit is to put that breed of rabbit in quotation marks. This way, the specific phrase that you typed in will narrow down the bunny rabbit focused pages.

An example of this would be typing in "holland lop rabbits" and clicking the search button. This should bring back the most relevant results for the holland lop breed of rabbits. If not, try again on another search engine until you find pictures of the rabbit that you are looking for.

Without a doubt, the hobby of raising and caring for rabbits is on the rise. Various web sites show how to build rabbit hutches and rabbit runs for all types of rabbit breeds. Although not as large as most cat and dog web sites, rabbit web sites are becoming more complex and very professional as time goes on.

The best way to find images of your favorite rabbit breed is to network with other rabbit breeders that are similar to your own particular preference. By exchanging business cards at rabbit shows or sharing e-mails on Web rings, this one-on-one interaction can lead to an entire book marking folder full of links to pictures of rabbit breeds that you love to look at in just a matter of days.

Teach Your Rabbit Its Name!

Rabbits are rodents, varying in all shapes, sizes and colors they are understandably a very popular pet.

Traditionally kept in hutch out in the back yard, rabbit owners are now becoming more and more inclined to keep their pets inside.

Although not obvious, it would appear rabbits adapt very well to life in doors, what's more is they can be trained and tamed to a suprisingly high standard.

In fact, did you know you can teach your rabbit to respond to it's own name?

That's right, just like a dog!

So the obvious way here is for the rabbit to associate its name with food; if you already have a rabbit then you'll note that they are quick to come running up to you when they here the rustling of their mix bag.

The idea is to replace the rustling with your voice saying their name; the more distinctive the better.

Again it's just a case of time and repetition saying their name nice and clear, over and over each time you are feeding your rabbit.

You'll get to a stage where when the rabbit hears its name it thinks, "Rabbit Mix!" - As it knows your the provider they'll come running right to you.

NOTE: Don't over use the rabbits name as the more you do without presenting food, the less likey it is they will come to you.

Trisha is an animal lover and rabbit owner, visit her site at for more tips and tricks.

Article Source:

Rabbit Chinese Zodiac: Fun Trivia

You have undoubtedly heard of a lucky rabbit’s foot and according to the Chinese Zodiac individuals born under the sign of the Rabbit Chinese Zodiac are among the luckiest born. The Rabbit Chinese Zodiac represents people who are kind, quiet, loving individuals who speak gently and have a strong sense of justice and a high appreciation of artistic beauty. Those born under the sign of the Rabbit Chinese Zodiac are refined, cultivated, and often well-educated. Those born of the sign of the Rabbit rarely speak rudely , and in fact are often civil even to those that are considered to be an enemy. The Rabbit Chinese Zodiac is characterized by deliberate actions, a level of seriousness, and the ability to look at situations from many sides with a clear-headed approach. The Rabbit Chinese Zodiac individual will not rush to make a decision, instead they will spend time to gather more information and assess situations carefully from many different perspectives before deciding. Like the animal that acts as their mascot, individuals born under the Rabbit Chinese Zodiac are flexible, clever, and good at finding ways of self-preservation.

Individuals born in the Rabbit Chinese Zodiac understand what life really means. They get excited about the good and the bad in their own life and accept the same from others. They are excellent negotiators for themselves and for their organizations. They can be flexible, but never lose their self-confidence or their ability to think on their feet. Individuals born under the sign of the Rabbit Chinese Zodiac know more than they will ever let on, and they have excellent memories. They give credit where it is due and remembers all the good things that people do in addition to the misteps they may take.

The Rabbit Chinese Zodiac is the most compatible on a relationship level with the sheep. Professionally the strongest unions with the Rabbit are other Rabbits, Sheep, Rat, and Dog. The Rabbit Chinese Zodiac is said to be the sign of those individuals born in 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987 and 1999.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino takes a common sense approach to planning and organizing events, celebrations and holiday parties with unique ideas for birthday party supplies and fun free educational party games. She explains proper etiquette and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free coloring sheets, printable games, and free birthday party activities. What is your Chinese zodiac sign? Find out more info and get Chinese Zodiac Party Supplies for holidays, birthdays and special events.

Article Source:

Sunday 27 April 2008

Recognize Your True Identity - Be Fearless

The first guru of Sikhism, Guru Nanak has said that the biggest "Bhakti(devotion)" is giving up pride. When 'I' is gone, the Inner controller will begin to function and one will attain the Bliss of self-finding. This is the real purpose of life on earth. This is the evolution that has to take place to unwrap the 'involved' spirit.

It is only Self-discovery as the object is already there and nothing new has to come. It is illustrated by a brief anecdote(story). A lady lost her necklace and began to cry loudly. When other ladies came to console her, one lady noticed a thread on her neck and on pulling found the necklace in her neck. The same lady's joy then knew no bounds. It was the pleasure of finding the necklace back, which was already there. Similarly when one perceives him in the core of one's heart and then root of each hair, the desired bliss is the result.

Man is a creature of Nature, which kicks him as it likes. This is due to ignorance of the Divine origin and as already stated the root cause of all suffering. Another anecdote is cited to illustrate this point. A lioness, which was pregnant, jumped at a sheep when a herd passed nearby. As she fell down, she died on the spot and lion cub was born at the same time. The cub joined the herd of sheep. He began to eat grass and bleat like a sheep. All his habits were acquired from sheep.

Once a lion noticed him amongst the sheep, caught hold him, told him not to eat grass and roar like a lion. As the little lion could not leave his habits, the lion took him to a tank. When the little lion saw his reflection, similar to the lion, he realized his own real nature and gave a terrific roar and from that day began to eat meat and kill sheep rather than enjoy their company. Similar is the case with us; we have to see our real self. But this is possible only if we meet the lion of a true Mystic or Guru who can only show us the path so that we can see our true self.

There is always a need of an enlightened living master, who can guide mankind on the path of spirituality Guru is like a door to enter in the palace of God, and god is not somewhere in the sky, God is right within us, the only thing which one needed is to see within, not outside in temples, gurudwaras or mosques. Experience this eternity with a living master Anandmurti Gurumaa.

African Lion Safari - Are You Running Out Of Time!

What can you expect on an African lion safari? The African lion once ruled the wilds of Africa. Today, it has been humbled to the extent where it's future is a little shaky, in fact, there is still a possibility this king of the animal kingdom may have to relinquish it's crown because of a little thing called progress.

So what cost progress? In lion terms, it's been heavy. If an African lion safari is something you crave then it might be a good idea to make the trip sooner rather than later.

The Lion's Demise

The african lion's numbers have been a cause for great concern in recent times in fact, there has even been talk of extinction. It's a dirty word in the world of conservation and while the lion presents as a creature of indestructible dimensions, the sad fact is, the one creature on the planet capable of wiping it out, man, has been responsible for it's dwindling numbers.

Take for example just over 100 years ago, the African lion was around in numbers south of the Sahara desert. Today, it's almost got to the stage where the only place you can see the king of the beasts in it's "natural habitat" are large conservation parks. The reason; man's yearning for progress.

African Lion Facts

The lion is unquestionably at the top of the food chain in Africa. The fact remains, if the lion's demise becomes permanent, then the repercussions for some of Africa's ecosystems could be dramatic. The Okavango Delta in Botswana is one area where the survival of the lion is imperitive.

Keeping The African Lion On The Planet

In some parts of Africa the sounds of the lion are no longer heard. It has succumbed to the tunes of progress and has vanished from areas where it once ruled.

Free ranging lions are now in the minority but there is a glimmer of hope in the shape of some hardy individuals hell bent on ensuring the lion's survival. Why does it seem like such a lone battle? Amazing as it sounds, while conservation groups realise the predicament at the moment, convincing those in authority with the power and the finance to fund rescue operations has been a little retarded.

In Central and Western Africa, free ranging lion populations are critically low and it's been a tough battle to keep the big cat's future on the up and up.

Where To See The Lion In The Wild?

One of the more popular African lion safari destinations is the vast expanse of the Serengeti in Tanzania. Migration time across the Serengeti is a treasure trove of activity and it's one of the few times you'll get to see the normally placid big cat get off it's backside and chase prey. And there is plenty of prey to chase as wildbeast begin their amazing migration.

Your travel agent is a great source of information on lion safaris and there are excellent opportunities for travel with experienced operators ready and willing to get you up close and personal with the king. Well, not too close but enough to give you a lasting memory.

Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Get the latest information on African lion safari.We'll tell you why now is a good time to think about taking one! Plus, read the latest african safari related news and reviews at:

Article Source:

Mountain Lions - The Beauty, The Danger

very year mountain lions are spotted in many great outdoors locations throughout the country. Although it is not uncommon to have a mountain lion sighting in the country, it is somewhat alarming when they are spotted in highly trafficked areas, putting people and domestic animals at risk of being attacked.

Due to the coming summer months when people tend to be out and about in the great outdoors, camping, hiking, fishing, etc., here is a refresher course on what to do if you come into contact with a mountain lion.

* Do not go into the country alone. It is best to bring a friend or at least a dog with you. Having a walking stick can also serve as some protection in the event of an attack. Making plenty of noise while out will prevent you from sneaking up on an unknowing lion, which may cause them to attack.

* Keep children close to you. Mountain lions seem to be especially drawn to small children. It is imperative that you keep them close to you and within your site at all times.

* Do not run away. Back away slowly, without losing eye contact with the mountain lion. Pick up your child without bending over. Do your best to stay upright, facing the lion. Running may stimulate the lion’s natural instinct to chase and attack.

* Make yourself appear as large as possible by raising your arms slowly. Do not bend over or crouch down to avoid looking like a four-legged animal. Throw rocks or sticks if they are within reach and speak in a loud, firm voice.

* Never approach a lion. If you see one, follow the instructions above and give it a chance to escape.

* If the mountain lion attacks, fight back. Try to remain standing to avoid being bitten about the face or neck. Use any objects available to protect yourself, such as a stick, hat, fishing pole, etc. Many people have survived mountain lion attacks by fighting back.

If you site a mountain lion, or an animal carcass that could be attributed to a lion kill, always contact your local Department of Fish and Game. Always be aware of your surroundings and that of your family, especially small children, when enjoying time in the great outdoors.

Elizabeth Smith is the City Girl Gone Rustic Dame at That Country Charm. In addition, she is the owner of gift basket business, Crafty Gift Creations, and happy blogger at Topics, Tips and Tangents. And when that's not enough to keep her busy, Elizabeth is also Editorial Assistant of Promotions and Partnerships at A proud WAHM, gift professional, country dweller and virtual expert!

Article Source:

When Document Authenticity Counts: Professional Seals and Professional Stamps

Many professionals – such as engineers, real estate appraisers, interior designers, land surveyors and architects – are required to sign, stamp and/or seal documents to show they were produced by a registered or licensed professional in that field. The purpose of a seal or stamp is to ensure that the professional is licensed to practice that profession in a particular state under its laws and regulations.

Typically a seal or stamp is affixed to documents which are prepared under the professional’s direct supervision and for which they are responsible. Below are a few examples of when a professional seal or professional stamp is used:

Engineer Stamps and Seals
Most states require that an engineer be licensed or registered and each registration or license is valid only in the state in which it is granted. By stamping or sealing a document (e.g., drawings, calculations, plans, etc.) a professional engineer is taking responsibility for the information in the document and is certifying that he or she is licensed in the state.

Land Surveyor Stamps and Seals
Documents produced by a surveyor may be used by title companies, land owners and lending institutions to determine property boundaries. A professional surveyor’s stamp or seal shows that they are registered in a particular state and that the plans follow that state’s regulations and laws.

Architect Stamps and Seals
To work as an architect, these professionals are required to obtain specialized education and work experience to become licensed. They stamp or seal all drawings, plans and other specs to show they are licensed or registered by a particular state. In some instances, architects are required to have a seal for the architecture firm as well as for the individual architect.

Requirements for Stamps and Seals Vary by State
Licensing or registration is performed by individual states because different states have different laws and educational requirements for practicing a profession. Subsequently, each state has different regulations for what is to be displayed on a professional seal or stamp – and these regulations vary between professions in the same state. For instance Iowa’s architecture seal must have a diameter of 1 3/4 inches, include the name of the architect and the words “Registered Architect” along with their Iowa registration number and the word “Iowa”. In South Carolina, an architect seal is also circular and 1 3/4 inches in diameter. South Carolina also specifies that the outer circle contain the words "State of South Carolina" at the top and "Registered Architect" at the bottom with the name of the architect, their business location, and their registration number in the center. Thankfully, most states provide examples of how a seal or stamp should look.

When purchasing a professional seal or professional stamp it is important that the seal or stamp meets the guidelines set forth by your state for your profession. Some retailers keep up with each state’s requirements so that professionals order the correct item needed. Working with one of these retailers can ensure the right information is included in the correct layout for the stamp or seal.

About the Author Adam Raidabaugh is the president of ACORN Sales Company, Inc., a leader in the marking and stamp industry. ACORN Sales specializes in professional architect seals and professional engineer seals.

Article Source:

Notary Public Seals

Notary public seals disclose that the documents are genuine, all parties agree to the terms and conditions, and that the identity of all persons signing them is confirmed. Important papers such as affidavits, mortgage documents or papers related to bankruptcy filing must be notarized so as to establish their legitimacy. Notary public seals found in birth certificates or identification cards guarantee that these documents are genuine.

In general, notary public seals include stamps, embossers and those created by electronic means. Only seals manufactured by a permit holder can be sold, duplicated or offered for sale. This requirement includes replacement seals for those previously manufactured. Permission for manufacturing notary public seals can be gained by submitting a completed application. The format of the application form is prescribed by the Secretary of State along with an issuing fee.

A notary public seal contains the name of the notary public, the state seal, the words ?notary public?, the filing county shown on the certificate of authorization, the notary public commission expiration date, the notary public commission number and the manufacturer identification number. Notary public seals are available in circular or rectangular shapes, with a serrated or milled edged border. The circular seal is not over two inches and the rectangular one is not more than one inch in width by two and one-half inches in length.

Notary public seals are unique to the person using it, capable of verification, under the sole control of the person using it, and accepted in the same format and appearance as transmitted. A manufacturer produces a notary seal only upon the presentation of a certificate of authorization issued by the Secretary of State for the making of that particular seal.

The lack of notary public seals shall not make the acts of a notary invalid if his official title is affixed. But, if the documents are to be filed in another state or used in another country, the seal is strongly suggested. Many states are unwilling to receive documents that do not contain a notary public seal.

Notary Public provides detailed information on Notary Public, How to Become a Notary Public, Notary Public Supplies, Notary Public Service Locations and more. Notary Public is affiliated with Paralegal Schools .

Article Source:

Thursday 24 April 2008

Bear Attack

I opened my eyes and held my breath. Was I dreaming? The bear growled again. I wasn't dreaming. He shuffled around in the pine needles, a few feet away. Only the thin nylon wall of my tent separated us. I waited for the bear to attack.

I breathed slowly, trying not to make a sound. There was nothing to be done, nowhere to run, and not another person within ten miles. I could die in a few seconds, I realized. I could be torn apart.

Grizzlies had already killed two people in Montana this year, and mauled several others. That's what the ranger told me when I entered Yellowstone that morning. A mild winter had left too few dead animals for the bears to feed on, so they were hungry and dangerous.

The pamphlet, the one with "WARNING" written in red over a silhouette of a bear on the cover, was in my backpack. I mentally reviewed it. My food was in a tree fifty yards away, I wasn't wearing cologne or deodorant, and I wasn't moving. I should be okay.

The bear grunted and pawed the ground. Then nothing. I strained to hear something, anything, but the sounds of the river covered any smaller sounds. Had the bear left? I couldn't be sure. I looked at my watch without moving my head. I could barely make out the glow-in-the-dark hands. It was four a.m. I was starting to sweat. Does sweat attract bears, I wondered.

How To Prevent Bear Attacks

The good news was that the bear eventually left. I think he was just upset because I had set up my tent in the middle of the path along the river, where he probably walked nightly. Don't do that, if you want to avoid being in stories like this. Here are some other ways to avoid a bear attack.

- Talk quietly or just don't talk at all. The time for loud noises was before you encountered the bear. Try to detour around the bear if you can.

- Don't run! Try to back away slowly, but stop if this agitates the bear.

- Assume a non-threatening posture. This could mean turning sideways, or bending at the knees to appear smaller.

- Don't look straight at the bear. Bears may interpret direct eye contact as threatening.

- Drop something, like a water bottle or hat, to distract the bear. Don't drop food, however, or he may come to you looking for more. Leave your backpack on for protection in case of an attack.

- If you have bear repellent (pepper spray) get it ready. If the bear attacks, use it!

- If the bear makes contact, fall to the ground on your stomach, or assume a fetal position to protect your chest and abdomen. Lace your fingers together over the back of your neck. Don't move until you the bear has left.

The above is good advice only if the bear attack is a "bluff" attack, or a surprised bear. This is the most common type of bear encounter. However, if the bear is stalking you, you need to take entirely different actions. That, however, is a topic for another article.

Copyright Steve Gillman. Learn how to tell the difference between a "bluff attack" and a predatory bear attack in the ebook "Ultralight Backpacking Secrets (And Wilderness Survival Tips)" Get it FREE, as well as photos, gear recommendations, and a new wilderness survival section, at: The Ultralight Backpacking Site:

An Alaskan Trip to See Animals

If you are planning a trip to Alaska, you can expect to see plenty of animals once you get there. They are everywhere, but if you want to increase your chances of seeing one, go to any river or stream. Moose visit these areas to get a drink of water during the day, so you will probably see a few there. The best chance to see moose is at around 5:00 am near a stream, if you go there during this time, you are guaranteed to see one. Besides moose, you will also find other animals such as a foxes, which may be across the street, a black bear catching fish and even reindeer. Some reindeer and moose stand near busy intersections in Alaska, so you cannot miss a chance to see an animal during your trip. Be sure to bring some insect spray, because you will not see the mosquitoes, but you will feel them.

If you would like a chance to see as many animals as possible, you can visit the Alaska zoo. You will get to see many types of animals including the ones that are currently in the wild. After you have seen the zoo, you can either use your own car to see more animals or take a tour bus. If you take your own car, you should visit Montana Creek and Little Sue River because during salmon season, you will get a chance to spot some black bears. You should be very careful when you see a bear because bears are dangerous animals and you should approach them with care. A tour bus is completely different and it has some advantages and disadvantages. The tour bus guide will tell you a bit more about the animals that show up during the ride, so it is a great way to relax and learn. The problem is that sometimes a loud tour bus with 50 or more tourists can scare the animals and you will not get a chance to see them up close.

You should consider the shuttle bus tour that goes to Fish Creek or Wonder Lake because this trip is longer and the cost is cheaper. This bus goes 85 miles instead of 53 and the cost is reasonable at $30.00 for each person. It is going to be a long ride, so be sure to bring something to eat like a few sandwiches or something that will stay fresh. You will see many animals from a distance and without a pair of binoculars, you will not get a good view. The most important thing you need to bring during this bus ride is a camera, a digital camera in particular for a few reasons. Firstly, you will not run out of film so you can take as many photos as you want and delete the others. Secondly, you can see your photo in the viewer after you take it, so you will know what the actual print will look like. Finally, you do not have to wait for your photos to return to you after developing.

Alaska has plenty animals everywhere, so keeping watching in the wild and you will find one. They can be found in the park, near the river and stream and during a tour bus trip.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Alaska

Rainforest Animals - Spectacled Bear

Spectacled Bear

Scientific Name:
Tremarctos ornatus


Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Tremarctos
Species: T. ornatus

General Information:
The spectacled bear, also known as the Andean bear, is a relatively small bear of the Western Hemisphere. It is the only extant bear species of South America. Currently considered an endangered species, the spectacled bear has been in danger for a number of reasons. Locals hunt the bear because of the perception that it is a threat to their livestock, although they are only part-time carnivores. Also, their bladders are prized commodities in Oriental medicine, and often fetch high prices. Thirdly, agriculture and logging have wrought extensive damage to their habitat.

Physical Description:
It is generally 4 ft 11 inches to 5 ft 11 inches in length. Males can be about 33% bigger than females, weighing in at roughly 220 - 351 lbs compared to females at 141 - 180 lbs. The spectacled bear has thick brown or black fur, and gets its name from the light-colored bands across its face and on its throat (sometimes even extending to its chest). These lines and patches can give it the appearance of "wearing spectacles".

The spectacled bear feeds on a variety of items, but favor plants such as orchids, fruits, and palms. They also eat nuts, seeds, carrion, and small animals.

It occupies grasslands, brushlands, dry forests, rainforests, and coastal scrub deserts. Although it habits a variety of landscapes, the spectacled bear is most frequently found in high elevation mountain forests. It is most closely associated with the high Andean cloud forests of above 2,000 m. Spectacled bears range across areas of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.

Mating occurs between the months of May and August. Gestation lasts about 8 months on average, after which time 1 - 3 cubs are born. Spectacled bears reach sexual maturity at 4 - 7 years of age.

Go Diego Go! Rescue All the Animals

The animals in the jungle are all friends Go Diego Go, and they look to him for help with they get into trouble or face danger. With his Rescue Pack, he can pull out whatever he needs from a lifeline to a boat, and he relies on the viewers to tell him just what he needs. Of course, the children know that already, so why not give them a chance to help Diego save the animals?

Since children naturally have plenty of stuffed toys, make an adventure of placing the toys where they are in "danger." For example, maybe place a small bear in a tree above a small bucket of water (to resemble a lake or stream) and place a crocodile in the water. The bear cub is unable to get out of the tree without falling into the water and being eaten by the crocodile. Diego, his cousin, Dora, and his other helpers must assist him in getting the bear cub out of the tree without letting him fall into the water. You can continue with your adventure as long as you want, adding new rescues as one is finished. The children will be thrilled to help Diego, and they will learn how to plan a rescue mission at the same time.

Shall we call it a game? No, it isn't a game; it's an adventure mission, a means to teach the children the art of rescue. It also helps them learn how to figure out a solution to a problem, so they learn the craft of problem solving while having fun.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino takes a common sense approach to planning and organizing events, celebrations and holiday parties with unique ideas for Go Diego Go party supplies and fun party games She explains proper etiquette and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free holiday printable games and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Themes including Go Diego Go Party Supplies to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.

Save Bear, If You Love Animals

A wild bear taken by poachers may have less than a 60% chance of surviving the non-medical procedure to create a permanent open wound in his stomach from which bile can be drained, twice every day. Bile that's used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

In the wild, where he's free to roam, this bear might live to 25. Instead, if he survives the non-medical procedure he may live up to 10 years kept in a tiny cage, thrashing against the bars because he's unable to move around. Under-nourished and over-stressed, he'll be forced to lie there in pain, in his own filth.

Farming bears for their bile is perfectly legal in China. And very profitable. But totally unnecessary. There are many TCM alternatives that do what bear bile is claimed to. Needless over production means an estimated 9,000 bears are tortured each day so their bile can also be used in shampoo, wine and even tea. This unwarranted procedure can be prevented with your help.

Giving each month is important because it takes time, money and persistence to achieve legislation that outlaws cruelty to animals, to build and establish sanctuaries to rehabilitate rescued animals, and to change attitudes to animal welfare through education of children and communities. We also need resources to answer urgent calls for help from around the world.

WSPA UK - World Society for the Protection of Animals.

If you love animals can donate at

By donating £3 a month to the World Society for the Protection of Animals, you can help us free animals from cruel practices like bear farming.

Bears - Polar Bear Facts

In this article we will discover some facts about polar bears. Polar bears are carnivorous animals and largest among the bear family. They are the residents of north Arctic, northern Alaska and Greenland. Polar bears are well adapted to a frozen climate.

The skin of the bear is black and can absorb a large amount of heat.They have a double layer of fur for protection from frozen climate. The fur of the bear also provides camouflage and insulation. Most of the times they suffer from the problem of over heating. The ears and tail of the polar bears are smaller as compared to the other species of bears.The feet are very large and are adapted to walk on snow. These animals practically don't drink water.

The main food of these bears include seals, walrus, whales, birds, vegetation and kelp. Polar bears are mainly dependent on pack ice for their survival. They are a polygamous animal and spend lot of time mating and denning. Male and females live separately and come together for mating. Females eat a lot while preparing for pregnancy.

The polar bear is a unique animal at high risk of extinction. The population of these animals is rapidly decreasing due to global warming effects. Because of the rapidly melting snow, polar bears are dying more frequently nowadays. They are already listed in the list of endangered species.

Polar bears are known for their hunting skills.They are aggressive, curious and extremely dangerous for human beings to be around.

If you want to know more about Polar bears then feel free to visit for info on Bears

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Squirrels, Squirrels, Everywhere - Use Proper Squirrel Pest Control

quirrels are abundant in the wilds because their natural predators are less abundant. Because of this population increase and a decreasing natural habitat due to construction, we start to see them in our attics. They seek warm, safe shelter during the fall and winter months in particular. Squirrel pest control can be done in different ways. Finding the way that is right for you will take some patience and could be frustrating. Do some research to find out what is available?

What Can I Do To Run Them Out

If you do run them out temporarily (example mothballs), it would run you out as well. Even at that, after sealing up their entry points, they would gnaw inside making another entry point. Here are some ideas that may help you with your situation. One thing you do need to do is figure out what type of squirrel you are trying to get rid of.

* Moth Balls

* Squirrel Evictor (high intensity strobe light annoys their sensitive eyes, and disrupts their living cycle.)

* Removal of Diet Source such as birdseed.

* Gutter Guards

* Live Traps

* Keep Tree Branches Trimmed Away From Home

* Remove Stacked Wood Piles

* Repair Cracks for Them to Get Into

There are currently no poison baits on the market that they will eat and die from. Their diets consist of nuts, fruits, seeds, insects or eggs. They will also chew on plants and flowers. You can put up barriers for your plants and flowers but they may still find a way to get to them. Squirrel pest control is available for many situations. Doing some research and talking to a professional might help you find the right solution for you.


Using a squirrel repellent may take care of your problem while others may need a more aggressive way to handle squirrel pest control such as traps. You can call someone to come in and inspect to find out exactly where the point of entry might be or where they may be nesting. They may nest in your attic or roof in a garage or barn or can plug up your gutters and eaves. They can carry diseases and the type of squirrel may help you determine which method may be more effective. There are flying squirrels, fox squirrels, gray squirrels, black squirrels and so on. Where you live plays a role of what type squirrel you might have. Talking with a squirrel pest control specialist in your area might be the right thing to do.

You can also find more info on Pest Control and Ant Pest Control. is a comprehensive resource to know about Homepest Control.

Squirrel Meat - Delicious But Deadly

One of my favorite movies is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. There is one particularly funny scene in which a squirrel has hitched a ride inside the Griswold house sequestered in the tree Clark has set up. The squirrel is discovered and makes a run for it, causing chaos and panic among the fleeing main characters.

Amid the confusion, Clark turns to his wife’s cousin Katherine and asks her, “Where is Eddie, doesn’t he eat these d?!$#% (expletive deleted) things?” She replies, “Not lately, he heard they are high in cholesterol.”

I have for some time taken that statement as truth. However, I have recently been doing research on the movie and came across this information.

According to the USDA nutrition database, 100 grams of “Game meat, squirrel, cooked, roasted” contains only 121 mg of cholesterol. This compares quite favorably to 1 cooked whole egg at 213 mg cholesterol, 1 cup of raw oysters at 120 mg. and one 5oz can of canned boneless chicken at 88mg. Most vegetable products, of course, contain little to no cholesterol.

This clearly shows that squirrel meat is no more laden with life stealing cholesterol than any other meat or dairy product.

How should one go about eating their squirrel bounty? Why, in Brunswick Stew naturally.

Literary humorist Roy Blount Jr. says of the dish, “Brunswick Stew is what happens when small mammals carrying ears of corn fall into barbeque pits."

For those of you not familiar with Brunswick Stew, it is a traditional dish normally prepared with small game including rabbit, dove, woodchuck, and last but not least squirrel.

The stew was first created and served in 1828 and named after the Virginia county in which it was conceived. Numerous excellent recipes are on the internet for Brunswick Stew; probably not a bad one in the bunch.

We can assume that Cousin Eddie would heartily approve of a nice squirrel based Brunswick Stew; especially around the holidays. If you are planning on hosting your own Christmas Vacation Holiday Party please consider making a tasty pot for your guests! As Eddie would say, “It is goooooood Clark!”

The author, John Smith, is a true Christmas Vacation fanatic. He has worn out many copies of Christmas Vacation on VHS tape, Laser disk (Don’t ask…), and DVD as he enjoys watching it year round. His favorite web site is where Melk Mugs - Christmas Vacation Style Moose Mugs can be had.

What You Need To Know About Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders

What is a garden without birds? They liven up the space and make us feel more in touch with nature. To attract our feathered friends a bird feeder is a natural addition to the garden. But along with birds many people will have to deal with uninvited guests, mainly determined squirrels. Although the squirrel has a small brain, they are very resourceful and creative at stealing bird food. Squirrel proof bird feeders are your best bet at winning the squirrel vs. man battle.

If your current bird feeder is regularly being raided by squirrels you will want to do some investigating and troubleshooting to fix the problem. Whether your goal is to improve your current bird feeder or you plan on purchasing your first squirrel proof bird feeder, you will need to consider a few things. These tips should help ensure that whatever bird feeder you have or decide to purchase will be effective.

Where are you going to place your bird feeder?

Hanging it from a tree is probably the worst place you can choose. Squirrels love trees, they can easily move around tree limbs and this is their natural territory. Squirrels are also great jumpers, so ideally you will want to place squirrel proof bird feeders at least 10 feet away from any fence, wall or tree.

How are squirrels getting to the bird feed?

Again make sure you are not giving squirrels an easy jumping point. If you find they are climbing the pole that supports the bird feeder, try greasing the pole with some Vaseline or purchase a baffle. Climbing pole baffles look like an upside down dish or pot that prevent squirrels from climbing up the pole. Try to get a large baffle and place it half way down the pole. If your squirrel is jumping on top of the bird feeder, consider purchasing a dome-like baffle that will sit above the bird feeder. When the squirrel lands on the baffle, it will tilt sliding the squirrel off.

How are the squirrels eating the bird feed?

If they are sitting on a perch nibbling away, you might want to consider getting a caged model that will make it harder for the squirrel to dine. With an existing feeder, again try to stop the squirrel from getting to the perch with the above location tips. If your squirrel is tipping or spilling the bird feeder to get access to the food, consider getting a spill proof model or weight activated model that controls the release of food.

Remember a squirrel's brain is the size of a walnut; your brain is many times larger. If he can improvise and be creative so can you. You might have to do some surveillance to figure out your particular squirrel's technique to come up with a plan of attack. Try a few different options before giving up on your bird feeder. You can have a squirrel proof bird feeder and happy feathered friends.

Jaqueline Ferreira is a writer and web publisher from Canada. She writes on numerous topics and is currently the editor/writer of, an information resource on squirrel proof birdfeeders.

Whether you are looking for a bird feeder that is squirrel proof or need tips to improve your current feeder, is an informative resource for you.

Nuts For Dog Squirrel Training - What Dog Breeds Are Born To Hunt Squirrels?

Dog squirrel training for the sport of squirrel hunting is becoming more prominent as squirrel hunting gradually grows into one of the most popular canine sports for outdoors enthusiasts. Breeds like purebred Dachshunds and Terriers are often perfect candidates for squirrel training because it comes to them on instinct. There is also a broad group of dogs known as Curs and Feists, both of which have been bred for centuries specifically for squirrel hunting.

Rural southern states in the U.S. develop Feists for absolutely nothing else but squirrel hunting. There is little consistency in looks among Feists since there is no intention of them becoming show dog breeds. There is some similarity in appearance to a Jack Russell Terrier but Feists generally have shorter tails than the Jack Russell. Their legs are also longer than the Jack Russell. A Feist lacks the barkiness of a Jack Russell Terrier. Also, Feists get along fabulously with other dogs because their dog squirrel training trains them to hunt with other dogs in packs. Jack Russell Terrier's tend to be very combative and unfriendly when it comes to sharing space with other dogs. So, while there are obviously similarities between the two, there are also many noticeable physical and behavioral differences, partly because the training develops a quieter, friendlier dog.

A Cur is also bred solely for its hunting ability, which is why most Cur breeds are considered "types" rather than a certain breed. This is because they are without a complete breed appearance standard that identifies them as one particular breed. They can look remarkably different from one another and a new Curd breed seems to appear every couple years. Several kennel clubs do register various Cur breeds based on their ancestry. It's generally agreed upon that a Cur and Feist have terrier ancestry in their bloodline. The most well known Cur breeds include the Mountain Cur, the Leopard Cur, the Treeing Cur and the Black Mouth Cur. Mountain Curs are said to require very little dog squirrel training because they have an instinctual understanding of hunting for squirrels and they learn by watching the other dogs around them.

It wasn't until recently when purebred Dachshunds and Terriers took to the sport and began dog squirrel training with experienced professionals.

The primary role of a squirrel dog is to cruise the woods, seeking out the scent of a squirrel, listening for scratches on the tree bark or the sound of tree branches moving as the squirrel leaps from tree to tree. The dog will bark at the base of the tree when they sense a squirrel.

Scott Jackson has been in the Pet Industry for over ten years. He has managed large Pet Specialty Retail stores and has worked as a distributor rep in the pet industry. He is a pet owner and lover who has extensive knowledge in pet nutrition and care. He runs a website and where he gives information on pet care, location of Colorado independent pet retailers, vets, breeders and a general meeting place for pet lovers.

Visit and find the information you need.

enver Squirrel Control

enver is home to the Albert, Fox and Ground squirrel. The Fox squirrel is not native to the area and was in fact brought to the West by travelers moving to Colorado long ago.

Being an invasive species, the Fox squirrel has overtaken the habitat of the Albert squirrel and moved them from their home range. The Fox squirrel is a very opportunistic animal and is more aggressive than the smaller Albert squirrel.

The Fox squirrel has adapted to urban living and is a common invader in the attic of homes and commercial buildings. Once inside the attic, the Fox squirrel is capable of destroying wires, gnawing on structure and rearing their young. Squirrels can raise about 10 babies a year!

It is unknown how many attic fires are caused by squirrels each year. With the danger of starting a fire and the plague that the squirrels in Denver are carrying now, squirrels must be removed as soon as possible to protect your family and home.

Signs of squirrels in your attic may include noises during the day and night. Listen for chewing or gnawing sounds, animals running and jumping on your roof or attic floor and look for squirrels loafing on your roof.

If you discover insulation on the roof or at the gutter downspout, this also could be a sign of squirrels in your house.

Prevention is the key to stop animals from living in your home. Take a look at the outside of your home or commercial building and make sure that vents are screened, roof lines sealed and chimneys capped.

A wildlife professional has the proper equipment and training to safely and effectively handle any squirrel removal.

If you suspect your home has been invaded by unwanted guests, have a Wildlife Professional inspect it as soon as possible.

All articles may be freely re-printed or shared as long as the name of the author and their websites are included.

Mark Dotson, a 20-year Wildlife Veteran helps people interested in working with wildlife to fulfill their dream. Author of the "King of Cages!" book and ebook. Sign up for a regular e-newsletter about working in the field of Wildlife Management at our website. Need help with a wildlife problem or want to start your own business, visit this site

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders

Squirrel proof bird feeders are a great way to keep your feathered friends happy all year. Every year we put out bird seed and every year the bird feeders that are not squirrel proof bird feeders revive some unwanted guests. Squirrel proof bird feeders allow for birds only to access the bird seed inside.

When you are choosing a squirrel proof bird feeder there are a few options to consider. You need to decide if you want a hanging bird feeder, a platform bird feeder, window bird feeder, or a suet bird feeder. Whatever your bird feeder choice there are squirrel proof bird feeders of that style.

There are different features of a squirrel proof bird feeder. Some hanging squirrel proof bird feeders will have a weight-activated system to protect the seed inside. These squirrel proof bird feeders may also be double-sided to feed more birds at a time.

Some platform squirrel proof bird feeder may have a mesh so that the seeds fall through the mesh and the bird can peck the seeds through, but squirrels can not get their hands through the holes.

With a squirrel proof window bird feeder you can enjoy birds right at your widow. This is also an easy target for squirrels, so if you want your bird seed to last look at getting a squirrel proof window bird feeder.

Suet bird feeders are also a great addition to any yard. Suet allows birds to get the food and nutrients that they need all year long. With a suet feeder you can also buy squirrel proof suet feeders that have a cage around the suet to protect it from the squirrels.

What ever squirrel proof bird feeder you decided to buy, it can be found easily right here with these great links. When you buy your squirrel proof bird feeder don’t forget to buy bird seed too!

Pam Caouette has had a wonderful garden full of wild birds. Learn more about wild birds and bird feeders at

Saturday 19 April 2008

Your Cat and Wild Birds

There are a lot of good reasons for *not* letting your new cat become an outside cat and I mention most of them in my new ebook "Your New Cat's First 24 Hours".
But one very important reason that I left out was the fact that cats are death on birds.
Yes, this is a fact that cat owners don't like to face, but a cat is a predator that doesn't distinguish between mice and birds when it comes to her prey.
It's estimated that there are about 40 million cats in the United States free to roam outside, and 20 to 30 percent of the kills they make are birds.
When you figure that a single outdoor cat will kill up to 200 birds and mammals every year, this can add up to over a billion birds killed by outdoor cats!
Many cat owners think that if they keep their cat well fed she won't feel the need to kill, but they are not taking into account that a cat does not kill out of hunger, but because she is an instinctual predator. A well fed cat *will* kill birds.
So, do Mother Nature and her wonderful birds a favor.
Keep your cat indoors!
© John Young,, All Rights Reserved
Hi! My name is John Young. I'm a writer and a cat lover, having owned one cat or another since I was four, and that was over 57 years ago. I've written a new ebook, "Your New Cat's First 24 Hours", and have packed into it every shred of information I could find to help you introduce your new cat to your household and care for it from then on. Please check out my website at and sign up for my free newsletter, "Your Cat's 9 Secrets". Thanks!
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The History of Seal Beach California

Seal Beach, California used to be dynamic and charming place. Now the situation is a bit different. Some years ago Seal Beach was a lively and dynamic place with games, entertainment and of course, the seals. Nowadays, all the liveliness and clamor of Seal Beachis replaced with people peacefully walking the pier or or enjoying the beautiful beaches.
Seal Beach, California was established in 1915 with a population of 250. The town was first established under the name Bay City before being changed to Seal Beach. It offers the longest beach south of San Francisco. The beach is unique with its seals but also with the sightseers who visit the town, the people who go there to picnic, the adults who dance in the pavilion or dine at the restaurants and so on and so forth.
With the foundation of Pacific Electric Railway, Henry Huntington had brought to Seal Beach, California many people who displayed interest to invest their money in the community. These people wanted to buy a strips of land along the beach, which was a rare commodity. As the population of Seal Beach, California was increasing, the people continued to enjoy the beauties that town had to offer.
During World War II the growth slowed down a bit, but the postwar years ushered in improved incomes and industry. Many more people decided to settle down in the area and trade was developing very quickly.
Some years later, somebody decided to make Seal Beach, California a conservation area. They closed the gambling houses and the amusement park. The purpose of all these prohibitions was to stop sea drilling, inshore erosion, and other environmental threats.
At that time, the population of Seal Beach, California had grown to 25,000. Although the size of the population had decreased, the way of life in Seal Beach was quite pleasant. The people were living in a comfortable and quiet place rather than a noisy industrial town. A place where you can relax in peace and where you can enjoy the environment. Seal Beach, California welcomes all tourists who want to go surfing and shopping, or who want to dance and listen to music. The beaches also offer lovely playgrounds and picnic sites.
Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning property. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Seal Beach California
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Why are People Buying Seal Beach Real Estate?

Nestled between Long Beach and Huntington Beach in the heart of Orange County, Seal Beach is a highly attractive and livable city. Not surprisingly, Seal Beach real estate is more sought after and valuable than ever as the Seal Beach real estate market continues to prosper. Boasting a humble but proud population of around 25,000, Seal Beach is a safe and clean community which continues to attract discerning buyers who are interested in securing their own piece of Seal Beach real estate.
Due to the beautiful geographical location and superb year round climate, Seal Beach real estate is popular with families and retirees. The small town charm, secure gated communities, clean air and majestic natural scenery make this a jewel in the crown of California and ensures that the Seal Beach real estate market remains buoyant. Many people move here for the weather, some for the beauty of nature and spectacular sunsets but there are many other reasons why people buy Seal Beach real estate.
The beautiful styling and modern architecture of the homes here ensure the ongoing popularity of Seal Beach real estate. With family homes and a sizeable retirement community, the property choices are varied but whatever Seal Beach real estate you buy, you can rest assured that the quality of your home is never compromised. Couple this with some great shopping options, lovely dining establishments and a climate that lends itself to year round relaxation and recreation and you too will begin to understand the value of Seal Beach real estate.
Every community needs amenities and facilities and when you look to buy Seal Beach real estate, you will discover that the town has much to offer. People who invest in Seal Beach real estate have access to some of the finest city parks with baseball, soccer and other sporting facilities, beautifully maintained park grounds and more. Excellent gym facilities and wonderful walks through the community gardens are just two of the ways Seal Beach real estate owners can stay in shape. Outdoor recreation and activities are served well by the climate and people who buy Seal Beach real estate often do so for that very reason.
So when you decide to indulge and secure your very own piece of Seal Beach real estate, remember that you are moving to a stunning, safe, secure and relaxing place and when you buy Seal Beach real estate you are buying more than a house, you are buying a home.
Kyle Menic is a writer whom specializes in Southern California real estate, which includes Seal Beach real estate and Orange County real estate.
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