Thursday 24 April 2008

Rainforest Animals - Spectacled Bear

Spectacled Bear

Scientific Name:
Tremarctos ornatus


Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Tremarctos
Species: T. ornatus

General Information:
The spectacled bear, also known as the Andean bear, is a relatively small bear of the Western Hemisphere. It is the only extant bear species of South America. Currently considered an endangered species, the spectacled bear has been in danger for a number of reasons. Locals hunt the bear because of the perception that it is a threat to their livestock, although they are only part-time carnivores. Also, their bladders are prized commodities in Oriental medicine, and often fetch high prices. Thirdly, agriculture and logging have wrought extensive damage to their habitat.

Physical Description:
It is generally 4 ft 11 inches to 5 ft 11 inches in length. Males can be about 33% bigger than females, weighing in at roughly 220 - 351 lbs compared to females at 141 - 180 lbs. The spectacled bear has thick brown or black fur, and gets its name from the light-colored bands across its face and on its throat (sometimes even extending to its chest). These lines and patches can give it the appearance of "wearing spectacles".

The spectacled bear feeds on a variety of items, but favor plants such as orchids, fruits, and palms. They also eat nuts, seeds, carrion, and small animals.

It occupies grasslands, brushlands, dry forests, rainforests, and coastal scrub deserts. Although it habits a variety of landscapes, the spectacled bear is most frequently found in high elevation mountain forests. It is most closely associated with the high Andean cloud forests of above 2,000 m. Spectacled bears range across areas of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.

Mating occurs between the months of May and August. Gestation lasts about 8 months on average, after which time 1 - 3 cubs are born. Spectacled bears reach sexual maturity at 4 - 7 years of age.

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