Sunday 27 April 2008

Recognize Your True Identity - Be Fearless

The first guru of Sikhism, Guru Nanak has said that the biggest "Bhakti(devotion)" is giving up pride. When 'I' is gone, the Inner controller will begin to function and one will attain the Bliss of self-finding. This is the real purpose of life on earth. This is the evolution that has to take place to unwrap the 'involved' spirit.

It is only Self-discovery as the object is already there and nothing new has to come. It is illustrated by a brief anecdote(story). A lady lost her necklace and began to cry loudly. When other ladies came to console her, one lady noticed a thread on her neck and on pulling found the necklace in her neck. The same lady's joy then knew no bounds. It was the pleasure of finding the necklace back, which was already there. Similarly when one perceives him in the core of one's heart and then root of each hair, the desired bliss is the result.

Man is a creature of Nature, which kicks him as it likes. This is due to ignorance of the Divine origin and as already stated the root cause of all suffering. Another anecdote is cited to illustrate this point. A lioness, which was pregnant, jumped at a sheep when a herd passed nearby. As she fell down, she died on the spot and lion cub was born at the same time. The cub joined the herd of sheep. He began to eat grass and bleat like a sheep. All his habits were acquired from sheep.

Once a lion noticed him amongst the sheep, caught hold him, told him not to eat grass and roar like a lion. As the little lion could not leave his habits, the lion took him to a tank. When the little lion saw his reflection, similar to the lion, he realized his own real nature and gave a terrific roar and from that day began to eat meat and kill sheep rather than enjoy their company. Similar is the case with us; we have to see our real self. But this is possible only if we meet the lion of a true Mystic or Guru who can only show us the path so that we can see our true self.

There is always a need of an enlightened living master, who can guide mankind on the path of spirituality Guru is like a door to enter in the palace of God, and god is not somewhere in the sky, God is right within us, the only thing which one needed is to see within, not outside in temples, gurudwaras or mosques. Experience this eternity with a living master Anandmurti Gurumaa.

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