Wednesday 23 April 2008

Squirrels, Squirrels, Everywhere - Use Proper Squirrel Pest Control

quirrels are abundant in the wilds because their natural predators are less abundant. Because of this population increase and a decreasing natural habitat due to construction, we start to see them in our attics. They seek warm, safe shelter during the fall and winter months in particular. Squirrel pest control can be done in different ways. Finding the way that is right for you will take some patience and could be frustrating. Do some research to find out what is available?

What Can I Do To Run Them Out

If you do run them out temporarily (example mothballs), it would run you out as well. Even at that, after sealing up their entry points, they would gnaw inside making another entry point. Here are some ideas that may help you with your situation. One thing you do need to do is figure out what type of squirrel you are trying to get rid of.

* Moth Balls

* Squirrel Evictor (high intensity strobe light annoys their sensitive eyes, and disrupts their living cycle.)

* Removal of Diet Source such as birdseed.

* Gutter Guards

* Live Traps

* Keep Tree Branches Trimmed Away From Home

* Remove Stacked Wood Piles

* Repair Cracks for Them to Get Into

There are currently no poison baits on the market that they will eat and die from. Their diets consist of nuts, fruits, seeds, insects or eggs. They will also chew on plants and flowers. You can put up barriers for your plants and flowers but they may still find a way to get to them. Squirrel pest control is available for many situations. Doing some research and talking to a professional might help you find the right solution for you.


Using a squirrel repellent may take care of your problem while others may need a more aggressive way to handle squirrel pest control such as traps. You can call someone to come in and inspect to find out exactly where the point of entry might be or where they may be nesting. They may nest in your attic or roof in a garage or barn or can plug up your gutters and eaves. They can carry diseases and the type of squirrel may help you determine which method may be more effective. There are flying squirrels, fox squirrels, gray squirrels, black squirrels and so on. Where you live plays a role of what type squirrel you might have. Talking with a squirrel pest control specialist in your area might be the right thing to do.

You can also find more info on Pest Control and Ant Pest Control. is a comprehensive resource to know about Homepest Control.

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